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How to quickly throw off what you ate during the New Year holidays
How to quickly throw off what you ate during the New Year holidays

Stick to this regime, and the extra pounds will disappear.

How to quickly throw off what you ate during the New Year holidays
How to quickly throw off what you ate during the New Year holidays

What you need to lose fat faster

Losing weight fast includes three important components: proper nutrition, exercise and quality sleep.

Many people believe that physical activity is not necessary - it is enough to cut down on the calorie content of the diet, and the extra pounds will go away. Yes, you can actually lose weight without sports, especially at first. But when the body gets used to the deficit, you will begin to spend less energy, and weight loss will greatly slow down or stop altogether.

In addition, as soon as you switch to your usual diet, due to the conservation of energy, the body will quickly return the lost pounds. To keep your metabolism from slowing down, you need to exercise.

When it comes to sleep, lack of sleep can negate even the most thoughtful nutrition and exercise program. Below we will analyze how to do everything right in order to get rid of extra pounds and not gain them again.

How to eat to lose weight faster

Reduce calories within reasonable limits

For quick results, you can reduce the calorie intake by 25% - this is considered a safe restriction that you can hold out with for a long time without health problems.

A greater deficiency can speed up weight loss, but at the same time, it will greatly slow down the metabolism and provide a lack of vitamins and minerals. In addition, losing more than 1 kg of weight per week threatens side effects in the form of fatigue, weakness and dizziness, constipation, hair loss and disruptions in the menstrual cycle.

Reduce calorie intake by 15-25% and monitor the results. If you are dropping more than 1 kg per week, increase your daily allowance slightly.

Choose the right products

In addition to the quantity of food consumed, it is important to consider their quality. In conditions of a lack of calories, it is especially important to choose food rich in vitamins, trace elements and fiber. This will avoid a deficiency of nutrients and a decrease in immunity.

Here are the categories of foods to include in your diet:

  • fruits and vegetables;
  • cereals and products made from whole grain flour;
  • lean meat;
  • a fish;
  • eggs;
  • fermented dairy products;
  • nuts and seeds.

At the same time, completely exclude "empty calories" from the diet:

  • alcohol;
  • flour and sweets;
  • sugar and sugary drinks;
  • fast food and processed meats.

This approach will help you not only lose weight, but also improve your health and develop healthy eating habits. It will protect you from gaining extra pounds.

Eat enough protein

High-protein foods increase the feeling of fullness and waste of energy, helping to maintain and build muscle mass.

Aim to consume 1, 2–1, 6 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight. For example, if you weigh 70 kg, you need to eat 84-112 g of protein per day.

A lot of protein is found in chicken and turkey, fish, eggs, dairy products. If you don't eat foods of animal origin, look at legumes, tofu, and plant-based protein powder.

Divide your daily protein intake evenly for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and include protein foods with every meal.

How to exercise to lose weight as quickly as possible

It has long been believed that there is nothing better for weight loss than long-term cardio, but increasing research shows that working with weights provides just as much, if not more, benefits.

Do strength training

Strength training accelerates metabolism even with significant weight loss, preserves and increases muscle mass and helps to quickly get rid of visceral fat - the most "stubborn" type of adipose tissue that builds up on internal organs and seriously increases health risks.

To burn more calories in strength training, load all muscle groups in each session: chest, back, front and back thighs and glutes, shoulders, biceps and triceps.

In the articles below you will find a list of the best exercises for each muscle group with a photo and a detailed analysis of the technique.

Choose one exercise for each muscle group and do it 3-4 sets of 8-12 times. To understand if you have chosen the right weight, focus on your feelings. The last repetitions in the approach should be given to you hard, but without serious flaws in the technique.

You can also exercise at home by doing exercises with your body weight. Choose the complexity of the movements so that after 10-15 repetitions, fatigue builds up in the muscles. For example, if you can easily do 15 squats, swap out the exercise for the bulgarian dumbbell split squat or pistol squat.

Also, in every workout, work on your abdominal muscles. Exercises such as bicycle, crunches, V-fold, Russian crunches, classic plank and side plank are suitable for this.


High-intensity interval training (HIIT) involves alternating between short and very intense work intervals with fixed rest periods or light activity.

As a rule, such classes last from 4 to 20 minutes, which can seriously save time for sports. At the same time, HIIT spends more calories per minute than cardio and strength training.

In the HIIT format, you can work on a treadmill. Here's an example of a 20 minute workout (not including warm up and cool down):

  • 5 minutes of walking or quiet running at a speed of 6–8 km / h;
  • 30 seconds of running at a speed of 14-15 km / h;
  • 1, 5 minutes of running at a speed of 6-8 km / h;

Do 10 of these intervals, and then go to cool down - 5 minutes of walking or quiet jogging at a speed of 6-8 km / h.

You can also do HIIT on other simulators: elliptical, rowing, stationary bike. Alternate short, intense intervals of 30-60 seconds with recovery work twice as long.

If all the machines are busy or you are exercising at home, try HIIT with a regular rope. You will get a great cardio workout and in addition will pump your agility and coordination.

You can also use our complexes for home training of strength exercises with your body weight. Just type in the search "5 circles of hell" and do what you like.

Do two HIITs per week on non-strength days. Give it your all - this is the only way to get the most out of this work.

How much to sleep to lose weight faster

Lack of sleep increases levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin and decreases levels of leptin, which suppresses appetite after a meal.

After a bad night, the risk of losing your diet and throwing in something sweet and fat increases dramatically. And if you don't count calories, chances are you won't even notice that you're over-eating.

What's more, sleep deprivation lowers insulin sensitivity and lowers levels of adiponectin, a hormone that is involved in the breakdown of fat. Together, this significantly reduces the effectiveness of any diet.

One study found that seven hours of quality sleep every night increased the chances of successful weight loss by 33%, so this factor is just as important as diet and exercise.
