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8 secrets on how to cook your dream eggs
8 secrets on how to cook your dream eggs

Dispelling the widespread misconception that consumption of egg yolk raises blood cholesterol by showing you how to make perfect hard-boiled eggs.

8 secrets on how to cook your dream eggs
8 secrets on how to cook your dream eggs

Eggs are perhaps the best thing that nature has given us. We are, of course, talking about chicken eggs. The perfect combination of protein, fat and a whole range of other critical nutrients makes eggs an indispensable product in the human diet. And very affordable! If I come to the store and there are 50 rubles in my wallet, I will buy a dozen eggs without hesitation.

If you do not affect the preferences of each individual person, then from the point of view of practicality, the best option for cooking eggs would be to hard-boil them. In this form, they are perfectly stored and are not afraid of careless transportation. Gathered for nature? Take them with you! Even if the eggs break, they can still be peeled and eaten with ease. Have you made soup? Chop a couple of eggs into a bowl and get the bonus of an extra serving of the highest quality, benchmark, most digestible protein.

There are a few things you need to know to get the perfect hard boiled eggs:

1. Lay eggs are better

We try to choose the freshest possible package of eggs, but eggs that have been in time are better for hard boiling. The point is that they are easier to clean.

2. Eggs of any temperature are suitable

The initial temperature of the eggs before cooking is irrelevant. You can keep them in the refrigerator until the last minute or keep them at room temperature - the result after cooking will be identical.

3. Hot start

Eggs should be put directly into boiling water. This is the main secret of a well-separating shell. If you put the eggs in cold water and put them on the stove, then the membrane under the shell will adhere more firmly to the protein during the cooking process.

4. After boiling, cook over low heat

Eggs immersed in boiling water will cool it, and the boil will stop. After resuming boiling, the temperature must be reduced so that a slight boil is maintained. If you continue to cook the eggs over high heat, they will not cook evenly. Digested protein is not as tasty. It takes 11 minutes for the eggs to cook hard-boiled.

5. Steamed eggs - a gentleman's choice

If you steam eggs, you don't have to think about the correct boiling intensity at all.

6. Chill after boiling

After boiling, the eggs should be immediately placed in cold (or better ice) water. They should be chilled in cold water for about 15 minutes, and ideally left in the refrigerator overnight before being eaten.

7. Clean only chilled

The better the egg is cooled, the stronger its structure and the less chance that when peeling, the pieces of protein will come off along with the shell.

8. Correct cleaning

It is more convenient to clean the eggs under running cool water, after breaking the shell over the entire surface of the egg.

About the dangers of eggs

People mistakenly believe that the cholesterol contained in eggs certainly enters the bloodstream, but this is not how our body works. On YouTube, we managed to find perhaps the most comprehensive egg manual.

Spend 40 minutes on it (or read it in text form), and you will know everything about eggs in general.
