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"We Chew Like Dogs": Dental Care Tips for Every Self-Respecting Person
"We Chew Like Dogs": Dental Care Tips for Every Self-Respecting Person

We usually don't think about how we chew food or brush our teeth. And it would be worth it, because the wrong actions can be reflected on your face.

"We Chew Like Dogs": Dental Care Tips for Every Self-Respecting Person
"We Chew Like Dogs": Dental Care Tips for Every Self-Respecting Person

People, and especially women. We are extremely poorly taught to brush our teeth and are not taught to chew them at all. Therefore, everything is worse than it could be, and everyone has a "crooked face" (I quote this from the prosthetist from the *** polyclinic, where I had the good fortune to work). Save at least the faces of your children before they get distorted the same way.


For some reason, in our graceless territories, no one ever knows.

We chew like dogs. That is, on one side of the jaw. Whom it is more convenient: on the left or on the right.

The teeth on the active side are therefore more susceptible to caries, which means they are more prone to filling. The muscles of only one side of the face, working from year to year, lead to awkward one-sided hyperimics. It's like swinging only one arm for years and not the other.

Of course, in the end there is no need to wait for symmetries of faces. The chewing muscles are powerful. The jaw (visually the chin and cheek) moves towards the strong chewing side with a smile and generally active facial expressions, even just when talking.

The tip of the nose is to the side, above the corner of the lip, narrower than the eyes. As a result, in life, while you are flickering, nothing, but in the photo in statics - Picasso's model.

Painting by Pablo Picasso
Painting by Pablo Picasso

When the face is young, plump, all this is not very noticeable. But when, after twenty, the puppy's swelling subsides and the face manifests itself in all its sculpturality, the work of the facial muscles is visible - this destroys many.

That is why many pretty girls suddenly, having crossed the threshold of adulthood, turn from cuddles into ordinary ones. It seems that everything is the same, it is still far from age-related changes, but it has grown ugly and that's it. And this is the eye that reads the asymmetry. Even millimeters bring disharmony.

Worse with age. Hypermimics of only one side of the face leads to the fact that on this side the nasolabial becomes deeper than on the other, wrinkles in the eye are longer than in the other, and ptosis on the weak side is more pronounced. So the asymmetry, with which we seem to have come to terms, begins to be aggravated by the fact that one half of the face seems to be older than the other. And all because of one-sided chewing.

Zapoloshny women therefore run at thirty to pump in and stab something, returning equality, harmony to half of the face. But, as a rule, they only aggravate the situation: their eye sees the problem in the mirror, but they are not able to verbalize it competently, and cosmetologists are not all quick-witted.

What to do?

Teaching your children to eat right. Chew, moving food from the right side of the jaw to the left and back.

It's funny, of course. But it is necessary. And start taking care of yourself, chewing thoughtfully, controlling the moment.

After each meal, chew the gum only on the undeveloped side of the jaw (you will directly feel the wild resistance to the exercise: the muscles there will instantly get tired, the cheek will become a little numb, and as soon as you loosen the control, the gum will be thrown onto the swinging side familiar to the muscles).

After six months of control and simple exercises with chewing gum, you will see how the face goes back to its place, and in the photo you get many times better: no longer Quasimodo with a curse on his forehead. In a year and a half, it will be generally pretty.

It's reversible, figure it out. And it doesn't cost money at all, we don't count the costs of chewing gum.

Teeth cleaning

It is necessary to brush your teeth every day, your teeth are not brushed for five seconds, and you brush your teeth with nothing.

There is nothing wrong with asking your dentist which brush is right for you. He will advise by looking at the enamel and gums.

If you have all your teeth filled, no problem, you thoroughly brush your teeth at night, and in the morning you still have a stale breath - you have a shitty paste. This means that it does not work all night. And bacteria, conventionally, from four to eight in the morning hang out and shit as they want: the paste does not restrain them, but it does not protect you.

Throw out your cheap putties, don't skimp on paste.

Dentists and prosthetists will then cost you more, and sexual partners will run away after the first night: you can't cheat bad breath under the pheromones article.

You can also ask your dentist about the paste. For me, for example, this is Marvis. It stands like a cast-iron bridge, but I wait in online stores for discounts and buy a year in advance, what to do.

If you smoke and drink coffee, but do not want yellow enamel, then with such a "dental" paste (not "Blendamedom", of course, it is pointless) you need to brush your teeth overnight, rinse, then squeeze out quite a bit of this paste onto the brush, brush your teeth, spit out the excess and do not rinse, leaving a thin film of paste until morning. But an indifferent dentist will advise you this anyway, although you will not go to him, of course.

One toothbrush is never enough. Dental floss is also essential: you will never just brush the fibers of the meat. If you don't like dental floss and you are constantly cutting your gums, buy yourself new hands with a multi-beam brush in addition to the main one.

First brush your teeth with a regular brush, and then clean the interdental space with a multi-beam.

Teach children to brush their teeth thoroughly. There is a special mouthwash that stains the plaque on the teeth blue. Play with children from six years old in the dental police (my innovation). Brush your teeth with them, and then the whole family rinse your mouth with this tester. Blue spots on the teeth will show where the child is missing, where the plaque remains, which means that he does not thoroughly clean (at the same time, smiling at the mirror, and you will learn a lot about yourself). Correct the child.

How to care for your teeth
How to care for your teeth

The dental police must come suddenly. This is a fun game, children will happily wait for the dental police and brush their teeth thoroughly and correctly every day.


Teeth must be treated. I know there is no money. But this is not a reason.

Firstly, dental care is still free of charge for you under the compulsory medical insurance. Yes, it's dreary. But you can't be a lazy asshole with a rotten mouth.

Take a free coupon, go. The appointment is, of course, two months in advance, but is it free or fast for you?

Even if you need eight seals, they put two at a time, and coupons for three months in advance - in a year you can handle it perfectly and free of charge.

There is a nuance. Depending on the availability of the polyclinic, you can be supplied with a light-cured or cheap concrete filling. On your front teeth, do not worry, they will not put concrete on your front teeth anywhere and never: doctors are not animals. And on the side can. But better this way than holes, caries, loss of teeth, bad breath.

You can agree and officially pay only for the material, so that there are modern seals everywhere. And this is in any way cheaper than visiting a paid dentist.

Secondly, for those who have money, but they are few, there are a huge number of discount coupons. There is no need to be afraid to treat your teeth with a coupon. The coupon simply means that some experienced dentist is tired of working for his uncle, has opened a private office and wants to recruit a clientele.

He will try with the coupon as carefully as without the coupon. He will try even better than in the well-promoted expensive clinics: every client and word of mouth are important to this specialist, he needs to stay in the niche of private practice.

He will always show you all the stickers on the sterilizers and take out the kraft bag from the sterilizer, and the tools from the kraft bag with you. No doctor will ever be offended if you ask to show all this. You have every right.

Thirdly, it is obligatory to go to cleaning and polishing your teeth once a year.

Do not be brutes and do not care. You can't look good with a bad mouth and teeth.

Cleaning can also be bought with coupons: you can find 600 rubles, and even 450 rubles. Don't go broke. The stone will be removed, the teeth will be polished, and you will immediately become more beautiful.

It is impossible to respect a person if he does not respect himself. A self-respecting person does not start his mouth, the matter, as we found out, is not at all about finances.

And yes, guys: you are not a gift horse, we look you in the teeth. A man with rotten teeth is a fucking shame. Please go to the dentist or clinic.

The "Obvious" messenger was with you. The rubric "Someone should have said it."
