How to use scents to awaken creativity, cheer up, or, conversely, fall asleep
How to use scents to awaken creativity, cheer up, or, conversely, fall asleep

Aromatherapy is not a panacea. We will not promise you a cure for diseases or a change in consciousness (although you can hear about such effects of aromatherapy). But it is quite possible to slightly adjust your well-being with the help of a properly selected aroma.

How to use scents to awaken creativity, cheer up, or, conversely, fall asleep
How to use scents to awaken creativity, cheer up, or, conversely, fall asleep

Essential oils are an affordable and at the same time a potent remedy with which you can subtly affect the body. We do not promise miracles, but some scents can be your good helpers in different situations.

Since ancient times, people have been using fragrances in many areas of life: in medicine, perfumery, household appliances. And the achievements of modern chemistry and neurobiology make it possible to isolate essential oils in their pure form and predict their effect on the body.

Essential oils were widely used in the ancient world: in China, India, Greece and Rome. Since the end of the 19th century, the possibility of using essential oils in medicine has been studied. Although aromatherapy still belongs to the field of alternative medicine, the properties of many biologically active components of essential oils can be used to achieve a certain effect.

  • Rose relieves stress and fatigue.
  • Fir, pine and spruce tone up and increase resistance to infections.
  • Orange improves your mood and helps you to have an optimistic outlook on life.
  • Ylang Ylang relieves stress and relieves anxiety.
  • Lavender helps relieve anxiety and insomnia.
  • Tea tree enhances mental alertness and concentration.
  • Sandalwood helps to achieve harmony, moderately relaxes.
  • Melissa helps to acclimatize and relieves irritability.
  • Cinnamon awakens creativity.
  • Patchouli helps to respond correctly to life situations.

How to apply essential oils

The main condition for safe use is the high quality of the essential oil. It must be natural and from a good manufacturer.

Do not take essential oils internally and apply undiluted to the skin. You can add them, for example, to a cream, but carefully - by first doing an allergic reaction test. However, you shouldn't go outside right after that, even if it's cloudy.

It is best to use special aroma lamps, aroma stones or aromaculons so that the effect of the aroma is dosed. After the procedure, it is worth ventilating the room.

With regular use of essential oils, it is necessary to take breaks after a couple of weeks of use.

In any case, if any smell is unpleasant to you, you should not use it.
