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Wise thoughts from a 90-year-old woman who has a lot to learn
Wise thoughts from a 90-year-old woman who has a lot to learn

These tips will not make your life easier, but they will help you get through difficulties easier and not forget about the main thing.

Wise thoughts from a 90-year-old woman who has a lot to learn
Wise thoughts from a 90-year-old woman who has a lot to learn

Columnist Mark Chernov's grandmother lived to be 90 years old. For the last ten years of her life, she kept a diary. On 270 pages, the woman described lessons learned from life situations and experiences that helped her learn important truths.

Ten years after her death, by the centenary of his grandmother, Mark Chernov shared her wisdom with the readers of his blog.

1. Thousands of people spend their lives on "default settings", although you can adjust everything for yourself

Do not be content with what floats into your hands. Find love, your talent, your passions. Don't hide behind other people's decisions, don't let others tell you what you want. The life you create yourself is much better than the life you get if you don't do anything.

2. Happiness is a path, not a destination

You get the best experience in the process of achieving what you want. It is an exciting journey to an endless horizon, where goals and dreams loom. The most important reason for moving from one point to another is to see what is in between. It is on this segment that love is found, dreams come true and priceless life memories are formed.

3. Willingness to do difficult things opens up great opportunities

A person grows in times of difficulty and discomfort and at the same time achieves the best in life. Because the essential things cannot be obtained without effort. And if you are not ready to boldly meet the challenges of fate, then skip all the fun.

Learning new things is hard. Relationships are hard. Staying healthy is hard. Building a business is hard. But it's all worth the effort.

If you are good at dealing with difficulties, you can do anything.

4. Small achievements in the long run change everything

The idea that you need to go step by step to great achievements seems obvious. But at some point we want to get everything right now. And it forces us to bite off more than we can chew. Remind yourself: you cannot lift 1 ton at a time, but you can lift 1 kilogram a thousand times.

5. You don't have to move only forward to win

Sometimes you have to retreat to win. For example, if you are at a dead end, it may indicate that you are going the wrong way. But you can still go back and take the direct road to your destination.

Life teaches that it is possible to turn on the path, do not miss this opportunity and do not confuse a strategic retreat with defeat.

6. The biggest disappointments are always the result of unreasonable expectations

Our expectations grow from year to year, but the idea of how everything should be, often breaks down on how everything really is. This leads to stress and frustration. Therefore, it is worth making the expectations more realistic.

Not everything happens the way we want it to, and that's not a bad thing: it is the unexpected that makes life interesting.

7. The strongest of all the character manifests itself during extreme ups and downs

On especially tough days, when you feel like you're not doing well, just remember that you have successfully gone through 100% of the problems before.

8. Life is changeable

When times are tough, it's easy to start thinking that things will get worse in the future. At the same time, in moments of happiness, everyone usually understands that joy is fleeting.

If you look at the future through a lens contaminated with negative emotions, then this will only feed your feelings. Don't think that tomorrow will be the same as today.

9. You can only win today's battle

No matter what happens, you can only fight effectively in today's battle. Attempts to solve yesterday's and tomorrow's problems at the same time make life extraordinarily difficult.

10. Not being okay all the time is okay

Sometimes the only thing we can feel is that we are not okay. If you give yourself the right to negative emotions, you can shed a tangible burden from the soul. And honestly, it's okay to be out of order when someone you love dies, when life goes downhill, when you face betrayal.

It doesn't matter how the situation changes in the future, it is important what is happening to you right now.

11. Sensitivity can be superpower

Sensitivity is often perceived as weakness. But in reality, this is a characteristic of a living person who is capable of compassion. There is no shame in expressing genuine feelings. It is emotional people who create a more humane world. So don't be ashamed to open your heart.

12. Helping someone who cares can heal a broken heart

Being with a broken heart is like getting lost in the forest: you see a million paths, but each of them leads nowhere. At the same time, if you have a person with you who has already been in such a situation and got out, this will give you hope that you, too, will be able to go through difficulties.

13. Loneliness is important

In moments when you feel lonely, it is worth being alone with yourself, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. This is necessary to understand your feelings and thoughts, to listen to your intuition. Talking to yourself requires silence, the only sound of which will be your heartbeat. Only then will you hear what it says.

14. Most of the time, you are small enough to be happy

If something doesn't add up, start subtracting. Life becomes easier and more enjoyable when you throw the emotional garbage out of it.

15. Start your day with love and gratitude

When you get up in the morning, think how wonderful it is: to be alive, to see, to hear, to think, to love. Understand that happiness does not make you grateful, but gratitude makes you happy. If you start your morning with kindness, you will see it in everything throughout the day.

16. It is very important what kind of people we choose to communicate

Spend time with nice, smart people you admire. Relationships should help you, not hurt you. Life is too short to spend it on a person who sucks the strength out of you and takes away the desire to rejoice.

When you are freed from the company of people who are pulling you down, it is much easier for you to soar up.

17. Relationship boundaries save lives

If you are treated with indifference and disdain, the best option is to get out of such a destructive relationship. Sometimes you will have to tear yourself apart to do this, if you mean nothing to a person who is extremely important to you. But this is a banal self-respect.

Realize your worth and don't go cheap by offering your community.

18. You will get to know the essence of people when times are tough

Pay attention to those who stay close when you are in trouble. And thank the people who left you, because they made room for those who really care about you.

19. New opportunities are always waiting for you

No one can live life without losses, but they make us stronger and move us towards future opportunities. Don't miss them. Enter into new relationships, accept different offers. Always be ready to face something that will change your life forever.
