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What will rise in price in 2019
What will rise in price in 2019

It is worth finding out about this in advance so that after the New Year's holidays it will not be excruciatingly painful.

What will rise in price in 2019
What will rise in price in 2019

In 2019, the prices for shoes and clothing, food, utilities will rise. And more than once - both at the very beginning and throughout the year. Prices will rise for a variety of reasons.

Almost all goods - with an increase in VAT

Here is a list of what the VAT increase will affect:

  • Food;
  • clothes;
  • cosmetics;
  • household chemicals;
  • Appliances;
  • cars and spare parts;
  • most services are anything that is subject to full VAT.

The President signed a law to increase the value added tax (VAT) value added tax. VAT was raised by 2% - from 18% to 20%.

This tax is levied on most goods and services. The exception is goods for children, some of the products - bread, salt, pasta, etc., periodicals, books, medicines, transport services, work in the space industry and others.

According to the government, the increase in VAT will help to get more than 600 billion rubles per year. The money will be sent The President signed a decree "On national goals and strategic objectives for the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024" for the development of the digital economy, infrastructure, education and healthcare.

At the same time, manufacturers and sellers will have to raise prices. Prices for raw materials will grow, and after it, the cost of production.

Where it leads

After the VAT increase, suppliers will raise the prices of materials, which will cause the purchase prices to rise. When we run out of stock in our warehouses and sofas with a higher purchase price take their place, retail prices will also rise by 1–2%.


Pavel Zhukov Analyst at the investment company QBF.

Businesses will face a drop in demand. There will be a choice: raise prices and lose a part of customers, or keep prices at the same level, donating a share of income. The previous level of demand is likely to remain only for cheap products and essential goods.


Natalia Yasheva Manager of the branch of JSCB Fora-Bank (JSC) in St. Petersburg.

Higher prices may have an impact on FMCGs, but deferred goods such as cars and real estate are more challenging.

There are many other factors that influence your purchase. For example, the demand for real estate in megalopolises is unlikely to fall, since the migration there from the regions is getting stronger every year. Although house prices in 2019 are more likely to rise than fall: an increase in VAT, more complicated financing procedures, an increase in the cost of money for banks, and, as a result, for borrowers.

This will most likely lead to an increase in lending rates by 1.5-2% per annum, which is significant for the construction industry.

Housing and communal services - with the implementation of the "garbage reform"

On January 1, several regions will switch to a new waste management scheme. Regional operators will appear - companies that are responsible for the collection and disposal of waste.

The company must collect, sort, remove and dispose of waste. She can do it herself, or she can take waste for recycling to other operators. What and how the latter will do is decided at the level of the regional government.

This reform is needed in order to resolve the issue of waste disposal. Now in Russia being recycled Alexey Gordeev held a meeting with the State Duma Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection only 5% of waste, which is 15 times less than in Europe.

So far, the fee for garbage collection is included in the tariff for the maintenance and repair of the housing stock. It is charged depending on the number of square meters. The money goes to the management company, which hires a contractor who takes out the trash.

Under the new scheme, the tariff for the maintenance of the housing stock will be reduced. The fee for garbage collection will be deducted from it, but the service of the regional operator will be included in the receipts as a separate line.

The maximum tariffs are set by each region. The fee will be taken depending on how many people are registered in a private house or apartment. The owners of land plots and garages will also have to pay for garbage collection.

Where it leads


Olga Belyanskaya Deputy Director of the Danilovskoye Management Company.

The Sverdlovsk Region has already approved the maximum tariff for garbage collection. For our city it is 120 rubles 59 kopecks per month. This is the tariff for those who live in apartment buildings.

It should be borne in mind that we pay depending on how many people are registered in the apartment. We have apartments in the housing stock where 5-6 people are registered - this is immediately plus 500 rubles. It can be a large family, by the way. The largest number is 12 people in one apartment (plus 1,447 rubles).

In total, the aggregate payment load (according to our companies) increases by almost 7 times.


Ksenia Shankina General Director of the Vysota-Service managing and operating company.

On average, tariffs will grow 2-4 times. It is likely that the increase in tariffs may lead to an increase in housing and communal services arrears. Let me remind you that according to the results of the first quarter of this year, the debt of Russians for housing and communal services amounted to 1.4 trillion rubles.

Gasoline and diesel fuel, trucking - with an increase in excise taxes on fuel

It was planned to increase excise taxes on fuel in the summer. But gasoline quickly rose in price, so they did not raise them. About work to stabilize prices for gasoline and diesel fuel until the end of the year.

Since 2019, excise taxes will rise sharply: the excise tax on diesel fuel will grow from 5,665 rubles to 8,541 rubles per ton. And for gasoline - from 8,213 rubles to 12,314 rubles per ton.

Where it leads


Maya Lvova Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Ural State University of Economics.

Excise taxes on gasoline will be raised twice. Not only from January 1, but also from July 1. These are changes in chapter 22 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which the government decided to adopt.

In Russia, the increase in excise duty per liter of AI 95 gasoline will not exceed 4 rubles. But this is only an excise tax. With the increase in VAT, we forecast a rise in prices by 5–5.5 rubles per liter.


Alexander Lashkevich Director for interaction with industry organizations of the Business Lines Group of Companies.

In addition to rising fuel prices and higher VAT, carriers will face other increased costs. Thus, it is planned to increase tariffs for the "Platon" system, increase the number of toll roads.

All together significantly increases the cost of transportation of goods. And carriers will have no choice but to increase tariffs.

Cigarettes, shoes, clothing - with the introduction of product labeling

In 2019, changes will affect the following products:

  • cigarettes - from March 1;
  • footwear - from July 1;
  • perfumery - from December 1;
  • clothes - from December 1;
  • bed linen - from December 1;
  • cameras, photo flashes and flash lamps - from December 1.

The government has approved a list of goods for mandatory labeling. Previously, it was voluntary, as an experiment, companies could label cigarettes, shoes and medicines. The latter are still being labeled voluntarily, the procedure will become mandatory from 2020.

Labeling Labeling of goods will make it possible to reduce the loss of products throughout the supply chain is needed to protect against counterfeit and falsification. And it will also help the business to optimize work processes, get rid of paperwork.

The scheme is as follows: a single operator - the Center for the Development of Advanced Technologies - assigns an individual code to each product. The manufacturer puts this code on the packaging. It is scanned in the store when the item is placed on the shelf. If the item is sold, the code is scanned a second time and it "goes out of circulation."

Ideally, the customer will be able to scan the code of any product using a mobile application. It will show all the information - about the manufacturer, delivery, receipt at the store.

Due to the introduction of labeling, manufacturers will have to buy new equipment and spend money on installing software.

Where it leads


Dmitry Boltunov Head of the ART support department of the First Bit company.

Manufacturers' costs of labeling will affect the cost of the product, coupled with an increase in VAT to 20% from January 1, 2019. Despite this, we expect that the increase in prices will be insignificant and will not significantly affect the grocery basket and essential goods.

This circumstance, as practice shows, will not have an impact on demand or will be quite insignificant.


Sergey Kotik Development Director of the GoodsForecast company.

The increase in prices from the introduction of labeling, most likely, will not be significant.

How much will cigarettes, perfumes, shoes and other goods that are subject to labeling from 2019 rise in price? Now it is not possible to assess this with precision.

Products in plastic packaging can also rise in price

The government is discussing an increase in environmental fees. So, for plastic, the collection can be increased by 2, 7 times, which will lead to an increase in prices for goods for the packaging of which plastic is used.

Everything will rise in price next year. Both essential goods and those for which people usually save up for a long time: real estate, cars, etc. However, salaries do not grow so quickly, so it is worth preparing (at least morally) and learning how to manage finances as efficiently as possible.
