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3 reasons to try black raspberries at least once
3 reasons to try black raspberries at least once

Do not confuse it with blackberries. Raspberries are much healthier.

3 reasons to try black raspberries at least once
3 reasons to try black raspberries at least once

How black raspberries differ from blackberries

Black raspberries are a common variety. Just less common: mostly grown. How Do Black Raspberries and Blackberries Differ? in North America, but for Europe it is still a novelty.

Due to its unusual color, black raspberries are often confused with blackberries. And indeed they are close relatives. But it is very easy to distinguish between them. When you pick a berry from a bush, a raspberry (any - even black, even red) will have a hollow center. The blackberry comes off the stem only with a stalk, that is, there is no emptiness inside it.


Blackberry. Photo: Julius / Depositphotos

Black raspberries differ from ordinary (red) and blackberries not only in appearance, but also in useful properties.

Why is black raspberry useful?

Nutritionally, it is almost a complete clone of the red Raspberry, Raw. The composition is mainly water and carbohydrates, but there is Black Raspberry, Raw and proteins, and even fats.

In addition, black berries are rich in vitamins C, K, E, folates (in the body, these compounds are transformed into folic acid). They contain a lot of essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, as well as a lot of minerals: manganese, magnesium, iron, potassium, copper, sodium, calcium.

Due to its rich composition, some classify Antioxidant properties of fruits of raspberry and blackberry grown in central Europe as superfoods - foods with a high concentration of nutrients. This applies to both black and other varieties. However, the former clearly wins in some ways.

1. Black raspberries are more effective in helping to lose weight

It is somewhat sweeter than red raspberries and even more so - tart blackberries. Due to this, it is more interesting in the role of dessert - the very "sweet", from the lack of which people on a diet often suffer.

In 100 g of black raspberry there are only Black Raspberry, Raw 52 kilocalories.

In addition, the berries contain a lot of water. And fiber - 6.5 g per 100 g of product, or more than 25% of the recommended daily value. Thanks to this, having eaten a handful of black raspberries, you will keep a feeling of fullness for a long time and will not be drawn to unhealthy and high-calorie snacks.

All this makes the path to harmony easier.

2. Black raspberries will preserve youth and protect against chronic diseases

Both red and black berries contain powerful antioxidants - compounds that help the body overcome oxidative stress (the process of free radical damage and destruction of body cells). It hits the cells of the skin, brain, heart, internal organs, which is why it is called Oxidative Stress: Harms and Benefits for Human Health, one of the key causes of early aging, dementia, heart attacks, strokes and autoimmune diseases.

In black raspberry plant antioxidants more Antioxidant activity in fruits and leaves of blackberry, raspberry, and strawberry varies with cultivar and developmental stage than in red.

This means that it fights against oxidative stress more effectively.

3. Black raspberries may even stop cancer

The anti-cancer properties of this berry have been proven by many Black raspberries in cancer clinical trials: Past, present and future scientific research. Raspberry extract managed to cause the death of malignant cells and slow down the development of colon, esophagus, and oral cavity cancers. In general, it improved the antitumor activity of the immune system.

There is only one but. These studies used a highly concentrated black raspberry extract in powder form rather than whole berries. In addition, some of the experiments were carried out on animals or in a test tube, and it is not a fact that the results obtained can be transferred to humans.

Therefore, while scientists do not know how much black raspberry and how long it is necessary to eat, so that the berry becomes a full-fledged means of preventing and fighting cancer. Attempts to accurately determine the effective dose are still ongoing.
