How important habits are related in your life
How important habits are related in your life

Knowing how some habits affect others can help you learn how to manage them effectively.

How important habits are related in your life
How important habits are related in your life

Usually the most important habits cause a chain reaction and affect other areas of life. For example, training. In the short term, the consequences of exercise are not the most pleasant: everything hurts you, there is less time for other activities. But what comes over time through sports is worth doing. You have more energy, you become happier and you live longer.


Bad habits like binge eating have the opposite effect. Right away you enjoy a lot of food, but soon you start to lack energy for work and hobbies. If you stop controlling such a habit, then your life expectancy will shorten.

A habit is important for two reasons:

  1. What she gives you makes your life better - then you keep doing what you like.
  2. Its consequences make your life worse - then you have a desire to get rid of it.

Let's imagine that we have identified five basic habits that are good or bad for life. In our case, three of them are useful: training, meditation, reading. Two more are harmful: alcohol and gluttony.


Monitor the immediate and long-term effects of your habits throughout the week. See which ones make you more productive, creative, and happy, and which ones have the opposite effect.


Notice that ingrained habits affect each other. For example, excessive alcohol consumption and overeating drain your energy, making you less likely to meditate, read, or exercise. But constant meditation has a positive effect on other habits: thanks to mindfulness, you drink less alcohol and do not overeat.

Important habits can relate to each other in very different ways:


Make sure that they are always in front of your eyes. For example, write your habits on the chalkboard. This will make you more likely to think about how they affect your work and life. It will be easier for you to adjust your habits.
