How to find your life's work when you are still very young
How to find your life's work when you are still very young

Let me answer honestly: no way. It is in the "find" category. At the age of 20, there is still little experience to calculate this business based on one's own skills and the needs of others. At 20, it can appear virtually by accident - at the junction of your talents and luck.

How to find your life's work when you are still very young
How to find your life's work when you are still very young

1. Do what makes you rushing.

2. Take risks and do not believe those who will tell you: "I have tried it a million times, and never a pearl." If others did not succeed, this does not mean that you will not succeed: the devil is in the details of the execution.

3. Be constructive about criticism - take it as advice. Feel free to throw out of your head the part about "you won't succeed", but ask in great detail about how more experienced people would improve what you are doing.

4. Find like-minded people and infect them with your ideas. You are stronger in a team.

5. Work, not hang out. But work so much fun and surrounded by such a team, next to which just parties are terribly boring (and this requires ideas and deeds that rush from).

6. Important … Focus. Yes, you need to look for a business by enumerating all the possibilities, but, having found something that has especially grasped, then do not jump to a new one at the first failure, but purposefully go forward if you see a goal.

7. Very important … Choose potentially growing niches. Now it is robotics, medicine, pharmaceuticals, energy, the Internet of Things, space and new habitats.

So you may not find such a thing at 20, but by 25 you will. Good luck!
