Table of contents:

20 English words that are sometimes mispronounced even by native speakers
20 English words that are sometimes mispronounced even by native speakers

Remember how to pronounce these words correctly so as not to make annoying mistakes.

20 English words that are sometimes mispronounced even by native speakers
20 English words that are sometimes mispronounced even by native speakers

1. Transient

Translation: short-term.

The pronunciation of this word is surprising even to native speakers. Many dictionaries indicate the transcription [ʹtrænzıənt]. However, transient has two syllables, so it is actually pronounced [ʹtrænʃənt].

2. Status

Translation: status, position.

The correct pronunciation is not [ʹstætəs], but [ʹsteıtəs].

3. Prelude

Translation: introduction.

The pronunciation of [ʹpreɪljuːd] is wrong. One should say [ʹpreljuːd].

4. Valet

Translation: valet.

This is not a French word, so you cannot pronounce the last syllable as [eɪ]. Valet is pronounced [ʹvælit].

5. Forte

Translation: advantage.

If this word means someone's strong side, then it is pronounced like [fɔːt]. If you mean a musical term, say [ʹfɔːteɪ].

6. Err

Translation: be wrong.

It does not rhyme with hair, as many people think, but with her. The transcription of a word looks like this: [ɜː].

7. Gala

Translation: festive.

Dictionaries tell you to read gala as [ʹgaːlə]. But it is pronounced like [geɪlɑ].

8. Applicable

Translation: suitable.

The stress should fall not on the second, but on the first syllable: [ʹæplɪkəbl].

9. Spherical

Translation: spherical.

Many people pronounce this word as [ʹsfiːrɪkl], but one should say [ʹsferɪkl].

10. Decrease

Translation: decrease, decrease.

In the noun, the stress falls on the first syllable: [ʹdiːkriːs], and in the verb, on the second: [diːʹkriːs].

11. Caramel

Translation: caramel.

The word is traditionally pronounced as [ʹkærəmel]. But the midwestern regional variant of pronunciation is also acceptable: [ʹkaːmel].

12. Mauve

Translation: purple.

The correct pronunciation is not [məʊv], but [mɔːv].

13. Regime

Translation: mode.

The correct transcription of the word looks like this: [reɪʹʒiːm].

14. Joust

Translation: Knight Tournament.

In the 13th century, this word was pronounced as the word just: [dʒʌst].

15. Either

Translation: one of.

Are you used to saying [ʹaɪðə]? However, it is more correct to pronounce [ʹiːðə].

16. Quasi

Translation: ostensibly.

Today the most commonly spoken word is [ʹkwɑːsɪ], but it would be more correct to pronounce [ʹkweɪsɪ].

17. Long-lived

Translation: long-term.

Unlike the modern pronunciation of [ˌlɔːŋʹlɪvd], until the 20th century, the word was pronounced as [ˌlɔːŋʹlaɪvd].

18. Comptroller

Translation: financial inspector.

The name of this position is pronounced [kənʹtrəʊlə].

19. Gyro

Translation: gyros.

This is a Greek dish that looks like shawarma well known to us. Therefore, it should be pronounced in Greek: [ʹjiːrɔ].

20. Victuals

Translation: provisions.

This English word is pronounced [ʹvɪtəlz].
