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Top 20 Doctor Who Stories
Top 20 Doctor Who Stories

Lifehacker recalls the brightest episodes of the legendary series, which will help brighten up the anticipation of new episodes.

Top 20 Doctor Who Stories
Top 20 Doctor Who Stories

On October 7, a new season started. The thirteenth Doctor was introduced to the audience - the last Time Lord became a woman for the first time (Jody Whittaker). But the rest of the series will follow traditions: the hero, accompanied by human companions, travels to the TARDIS in space and time.

To have something to do while waiting for the next episode of the new season, you can revisit the best episodes of the series since 2005. Everyone has an IMDb rating of at least 8, 9. Episodes that tell the same story are given in pairs.

Ninth Doctor

1. "Empty Child" and "Doctor Dances"

  • 2005 year.
  • Season 1, Episode 9-10.
  • IMDb: 9, 1.

The doctor and his companion Rose Tyler get to London in the midst of and meet illegal time traveler Jack Harkness. But the city is seized by a misfortune more terrible than the bombing - people are infected with a virus that turns them into something like a gas mask instead of a face.

2. Paths diverge

  • 2005 year.
  • Season 1, Episode 13.
  • IMDb: 9, 1.

The last episode with Christopher Eccleston as the ninth Doctor. Rose Tyler gets on the ship of the eternal enemies of the Time Lords - the Daleks. Their fleet is laying siege to the land, but the Doctor cannot dare to commit genocide even against the enemy. Therefore, Rose herself has to save both her companion and the whole earth.

Tenth Doctor

3. The girl in the fireplace

  • 2006 year.
  • Season 2, Episode 4.
  • IMDb: 9, 3.

The Doctor, Mickey and Rosa get on a spaceship, from which the entire crew disappeared. They discover that the various windows in this ship allow them to follow the different periods of the life of Renette Poisson - aka the Marquise de Pompadour. The doctor is trying to understand why robots from the future needed a girl from.

4. "Human Nature" and "Blood Family"

  • 2007 year.
  • Season 3, 8 and 9 episodes.
  • IMDb: 9, 0-9, 2.

In 1913, there is a man named John Smith who dreams of traveling through space and time. But in fact, he is a Doctor who has forgotten about his past in order to hide from the alien "Blood Family".

5. Don't blink

  • 2007 year.
  • Season 3, Episode 10.
  • IMDb: 9, 8.

Sally Sparrow finds excerpts from the Doctor's message on various videotapes. Gathering them together, she learns that the Lord of Time and his companion Martha Jones are stuck in the past, and the biggest danger is the stone statues of weeping angels. While someone is looking at them, they cannot move, but if you just blink, they are approaching.

6. "Silence in the Library" and "Forest of the Dead"

  • 2008 year.
  • Season 4, 8 and 9 episodes.
  • IMDb: 9, 4-9, 5.

The Doctor and Donna Noble find themselves in the largest in the universe. They try to figure out where all the visitors have disappeared, but then they meet an entire expedition led by River Song. She also travels in time and has known the Doctor for a long time, but for him all these meetings are still in the future. The heroes understand that the reason for the disappearance of all people from the library is the second shadow that appears to them.

7. Midnight

  • 2008 year.
  • Season 4, Episode 10.
  • IMDb: 9, 0.

Donna is resting after the shocks she has experienced, and the Doctor sets off on a journey across the planet Midnight. But the excursion is attacked by a hostile creature. At first, it repeats everything said by the person, then it speaks simultaneously with him, and then begins to get ahead of his thoughts.

8. Turn left

  • 2008 year.
  • Season 4, Episode 11.
  • IMDb: 8, 9.

Donna Noble discovers what could have happened if she only turned the wrong way once and never met the Doctor. The whole history of mankind and the Universe could have gone differently, because the last Lord of time often relies on his satellites. But the long-disappeared Rose Tyler helps her to fix the situation.

9. "Stolen Land" and "End of the Journey"

  • 2008 year.
  • Season 4, episodes 12-13.
  • IMDb: 9, 1.

Earth disappears right from under the TARDIS. The doctor learns that, in addition to this, another 26 planets have disappeared. He is trying to figure out who is behind this. Meanwhile, several of the Doctor's former companions at once reflect the Daleks under the leadership of their leader Davros.

Eleventh Doctor

10. Vincent and the Doctor

  • 2010 year.
  • Season 5, Episode 10.
  • IMDb: 9, 3.

The Doctor and Amy Pond meet Vincent Van Gogh. They are trying to make it clear to the unrecognized genius that someday his work will be appreciated. And suddenly they find out that only the talent of the artist allows him to notice the alien, invisible to the rest.

11. "Pandorica Opens" and "Big Bang"

  • 2010 year.
  • Season 5, Episode 12-13.
  • IMDb: 9, 1-9, 2.

Winston Churchill gives River Song a Van Gogh painting depicting a TARDIS explosion and the coordinates of a place called Pandorica. They lead the Doctor and Amy to a mythical prison in which the most dangerous warrior in the universe is to be imprisoned. At the same time, all the old enemies of the Doctor are gathering around the Earth.

12. "The Impossible Astronaut" and "Day of the Moon"

  • 2011.
  • 6 season, 1-2 episodes.
  • IMDb: 8, 9.

The Doctor gathers Amy, Rory and River and invites them to a picnic. An unknown creature in a suit suddenly appears and kills the Lord of Time. His companions must travel back in time to find out where it came from. A younger version of the Doctor helps them in their search.

13. The Doctor's Wife

  • 2011.
  • Season 6, Episode 4.
  • IMDb: 9, 1.

The script for this series was written by a famous author. The Doctor, Amy, and Rory receive a signal from the supposedly surviving Time Lords. As it turns out, this is a trap that Dom has set up - the mind of the dump planet. He hijacks the TARDIS, but her consciousness shifts to the insane woman Idris. And now the Doctor has the opportunity to communicate with his favorite vehicle.

14. Angels take over Manhattan

  • year 2012.
  • Season 7, Episode 5.
  • IMDb: 9, 1.

Rory is attacked by a statue of a crying angel and transported to the 1930s. The Doctor and Amy travel back in time to rescue him and meet River Song there. As it turns out, the angels have taken over Manhattan. And even the Statue of Liberty itself is also a crying angel.

15. Doctor's name

  • year 2013.
  • Season 7, Episode 13.
  • IMDb: 9, 1.

The Doctor and Clara Oswald travel to the planet Trenzalor, where the Doctor's grave has been discovered. They are attacked by the faceless Whisperers, but the ghost of River Song helps them escape. In the tomb, the Doctor discovers his timeline, falling into it again. And the hero has to meet his own reincarnation, which he wanted to forget.

Special issues

16. Night of the Doctor

  • year 2013.
  • Special issue.
  • IMDb: 9, 1.

The only appearance of the eighth Doctor (Paul McGann), apart from the 1996 feature film. A short episode tells about what led to the formation of the military Doctor.

17. Doctor's Day

  • year 2013.
  • Special issue.
  • IMDb: 9, 4.

Jubilee series "Doctor Who" for the 50th anniversary of the series. The Tenth and Eleventh Doctors meet with the Military Doctor - the one who once destroyed all the Time Lords along with the Daleks in order to end the war. The three of them want to fix the past, and all past reincarnations come to their aid.

Twelfth Doctor

18. Listen

  • year 2014.
  • Season 8, Episode 4.
  • IMDb: 9, 0.

The Doctor and Clara are trying to figure out if it is possible that by talking to himself, the person is actually talking to someone else. What if there is someone in the universe whose main ability is to hide? And, of course, this will turn out to be related to the past of the Doctor himself.

19. Sent from Heaven

  • 2015 year.
  • Season 9, Episode 11.
  • IMDb: 9, 6.

The doctor finds himself locked in a huge fortress. He must go through the main test of his life alone, although he does not remember how he got here. But even when he understands the situation, he has a very long way to freedom.

20. "Be Forever Our Lives" and "The Fall of the Doctor"

  • 2017 year.
  • Season 10, episodes 11–12.
  • IMDb: 9, 2-9, 0.

The Doctor, Bill Potts and Missy try to rescue a spaceship stuck on the black hole's event horizon. Bill is injured, and Missy finds out that she has already been here before, because everything was arranged by the Master - her past incarnation and the eternal enemy of the Doctor.
