Fear of the future: how to overcome it and start doing something
Fear of the future: how to overcome it and start doing something

Many people, especially young people, are constantly worried about the future, some are even afraid of it. How can we cope with this fear, which often prevents us from living normally? We will tell you in this article.

Fear of the future: how to overcome it and start doing something
Fear of the future: how to overcome it and start doing something

One of the users asked the readers of the resource an important question that at least once in a lifetime occurs to each of us: "How to overcome the fear of the future?" Indeed, any person asked himself these questions:

What will it be like - the future? Will my dreams come true? Will I be able to achieve the goals that I set for myself? Will I cope with all the obstacles that come my way? Will I be able to build a career? What about my personal life?

Today we will share with you the opinions of people on this matter.

Get out of your comfort zone

I believe this is more fear of failure than fear of the future. Therefore, I think it is worth starting with this. Failure or error is not always a bad thing. A smart person will be able to take a lot out of his mistakes, gain experience that he would never have gained if his path were paved exclusively with successes.

Have you ever noticed that a person who has built a successful business in any industry often stops at this, does not seek to develop and "capture" new areas of business. And why? Because he does not know the secret of his success. Or just thinks he knows.

It is very strange that the author of the question limited the future only by his selfish framework and did not mention that it can be much worse than not getting a good job or not fulfilling your cherished dreams. War, for example. Nuclear terrorism. Economic collapse. Various epidemics. Hunger. A large asteroid will fall to Earth. Totalitarian arbitrariness. Global warming or cooling. Or something else like that.

In my opinion, in order to overcome your fear of the future, you need to get out of your comfort zone. Start small: talk to a stranger, or stop taking the same route to work year after year and try to find alternative routes. Read a book about something completely new to you. Sign up for courses that are far removed from your interests and your professional activities. Create your startup.

Ask yourself: "Is there something that I want to do or what I want to achieve, but I still can't make up my mind?" If your answer is yes, go for it.

And, of course, take a vacation and think carefully about what you want to do in the future. What YOU really want, not your family, friends, colleagues or acquaintances. And then start doing it.

The more you achieve, the more different things you manage to do, the less you will be afraid of the coming of tomorrow. You will be confident that you will cope with everything that life will present you.

The future has already arrived

When the future comes, it will be present. Simply put, there is no future, there is only one present, the eternal “now”. Understand this, and you will cease to be afraid, because the present is always in our power.

Be courageous

In my opinion, fear of the future is based on the past. For example, a person in the past experienced misfortunes or betrayals, in a word, experienced all the pain and injustice of this world. And now he is afraid that it might happen again. I cannot formulate a specific action plan, but I really want to give you one quote that, I hope, will help you:

Lord, give me peace of mind to accept what I cannot change, give me the courage to change what I can change, and give me the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.

All in your hands

Most people simply do not understand how much they are able to control their lives. We are all free. Any of us can pack our things, buy a ticket and go wherever we can.

You just need to take action today so that your tomorrow is the way you want it to be. Do not expect that someone else will change your life for you - this will not happen. Everything is only in your hands.

Problems should be addressed as they arise

Most importantly, understand that it is useless to worry about things that you cannot change. It will not bring you anything but negative consequences.

Live in the present, put more effort into becoming successful at work, or in order to achieve other goals that are important to you.

Obstacles, problems and difficulties will always be in your life. But why think about something and worry in advance? Problems should be addressed as they arise.

Fear and anxiety will never lead to anything good.
