What we should learn from children
What we should learn from children

We think that adults should teach and educate children. Naive. Sometimes the opposite is true: children are so wise that they will wipe their noses with self-development coaches. Find out what life lessons adults can learn from their interactions with children.

What we should learn from children
What we should learn from children

We depend on each other

In the adult world, it's cool to be independent and independent: "I have me, and I don't need anyone." It is believed that if you cannot manage in some business without another person, then you are a weakling, this is a shame.

Children are dependent on adults for almost everything, but this does not infringe on their ego. After all, they will grow up and exchange places with their parents: they will help them dress, buy gifts, heal. And when they have their own children, the circle will repeat itself.

We depend on each other. We all, regardless of age, need care and attention. This is the key to the survival of humans as a species. This is fine. Do not boast of your independence and … call your mom.

We depend on each other
We depend on each other

Love is…

In adults, the word "love" is sometimes closely related to the verb "to receive." She gets money and stability from me, and I get delicious borscht and fresh shirts from her. Everything seems to be fair, but very consumer-oriented.

Children don't do anything on purpose, until a certain age they generally only eat and sleep, but we love them. As they are. The scheme “I will take care of you if you let me sleep” does not work here. We accept our children completely and completely, with all the problems and whims. And isn't this the standard of genuine, pure, unselfish love? When you don't expect anything in return, you just love and that's it.

People are not evil

When a three-year-old child comes running with a broken knee and roars like a fire siren, mom is lost in conjecture: fell, scratched, fought? And there is only one way to find out the truth - to hug the baby to you and calm him down. And when the child whimpers and is capricious, the mother immediately understands: wants to eat or sleep. Give him what he lacks and he will be a lovely cute baby again.

Why doesn't this work with adults? If a person is annoyed, we simply write him down as "inadequate", and if he is upset, we reproach him with self-pity. Think how society would change if everyone tried to look deeper and understand what is hidden behind external anger? Often, on the other side of the coin, there is just confusion, fear and fatigue.

We have a lot in common

Every person was once a child.

This thought scares us when we think of people we don't like. Was this vulgar boor at the bank a little girl with pigtails? And that red-haired bull who stole my bag at the bus stop, a cute butuz with freckles?

Yes. Regardless of where life took us, the point of departure was the same for everyone. People you don't like also played tag, ate ice cream, and built tents. There is more in common between you than it might seem at first glance. Remember this before judging someone.

Don't be afraid of anyone

Children are afraid of rather simple things: darkness or an aunt in a white coat. Something that is still unknown or that is physically larger than you.

Over the years, phobias multiply, and, perhaps, most of all adults are afraid of not conforming: “This person is so cool! He has more money than the entire Forbes list! He drinks tea with the Queen of England! How am I going to interview him?"

Every person was once a child.

This common truth is akin to the democratic basis of equality. Therefore, whenever you shake before an interview and are afraid to prove yourself, say: “No matter how high my opponent flew, he, like me, was a child. So, like me, he eats, sleeps and goes to the toilet."

Every person was once a child
Every person was once a child

Money is not the main thing

Greed and vanity are among the main vices of modern society. If you feel that the race for material wealth and social status fills your mind, talk to your children.

They don't care what kind of car you have, what you work for, or where you live. Much more important is what you know how to play, how many stories you know, whether you can be trusted with a secret. In this regard, children are utopians. They blindly believe in the best and broadcast their hope to those around them. We should take a closer look at their approach and choose friends not by status, but by liking.

Happiness is in the little things

Children with their inherent spontaneity are surprised at banal things and rejoice in little things: “Wow! Look, rainbow! "," Hmm, yesterday this puddle was not - it would be necessary to check it … ".

Adults, in order to experience positive emotions, need events (the bigger the better), and sometimes catalysts (for example, alcohol). But we ourselves are to blame for the fact that life is boring to us.

Happiness is in the little things
Happiness is in the little things

Stay children - do not stop noticing little things and enjoying them!
