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How to remove bruises under the eyes quickly and permanently
How to remove bruises under the eyes quickly and permanently

Sometimes just adding water is enough.

How to remove bruises under the eyes quickly and permanently
How to remove bruises under the eyes quickly and permanently

What are the causes of bruising under the eyes

Here are the most common factors in Dark Circle Under Eyes: Causes that make the skin look blue.

1. Fatigue, lack of sleep

When you have no strength, the processes in the body slow down. And this is understandable: the body wants one thing - to go into hibernation in order to recover.

Blood circulates more slowly, stagnates, vessels dilate. The capillaries under the eyes are located close to the surface. Having expanded, they begin to shine through from under the thinnest skin. This is how bruises appear.

In the eye area, the thickness of the skin is approximately 0.5 millimeters.

Bonus: along with blood circulation, lymph drainage slows down. Because of this, edema appears - bags under the eyes.

2. Eye strain

Perhaps you have been sitting in front of the monitor for too long or reading some text with concentration. Due to the tension, the blood vessels under the eyes dilate again and begin to show through the skin.

3. Iron deficiency anemia

Anemia is a lack of hemoglobin, a protein that carries oxygen from the lungs to organs and tissues. By binding with oxygen, hemoglobin becomes bright scarlet and gives this hue to arterial blood. Giving up oxygen, hemoglobin darkens. The blood does it with him. Take a look at the wreaths on your hands - they are bluish, they already have little oxygen.

For the normal formation of hemoglobin, iron is needed. If there is little in the body, the amount of coloring protein in the blood decreases. The remaining hemoglobin loses oxygen faster. As a result, the vessels acquire a dark blue tint, and the first thing this anemic cyanosis becomes noticeable under the thin skin near the eyes.

4. Dehydration

When the skin lacks fluid, it becomes drier and thinner. And under the eyes it generally turns into a translucent parchment, unable to hide the capillaries underneath. Hello bruises.

5. Allergic reactions

With allergies, the eyes are often itchy and watery. Histamines - those irritating substances that the body releases in response to an allergen - at the same time provoke vasodilation. The latter begin to shine through.

If you scratch your eyes, your symptoms will worsen. Due to friction, fragile blood vessels break, the smallest bruises occur, and this increases the cyanosis.

6. Age

Over the years, the skin loses moisture and becomes thinner. Therefore, the area under the eyes becomes more visible.

7. Genetic features

Some people have too thin skin from birth, bruises under the eyes haunt them since childhood. In others, the epidermis simply thinns too quickly with age.

If any of your close relatives regularly develop dark circles under the eyes, you may inherit this trait.

8. Smoking, alcohol abuse

These bad habits make the skin thinner and the blood vessels more fragile. Blood cells from cracked capillaries accumulate under the skin, oxidize, darken and shine blue.

9. Gastrointestinal disorders, poisoning

Due to the accompanying vomiting and diarrhea, the body loses a lot of fluid. The onset of dehydration, in turn, leads to the appearance of dark circles.

10. Cardiovascular disease

Such disorders can cause blood stasis. In the delicate area under the eyes, this will manifest itself first of all.

How to remove bruises under the eyes with home methods

Much depends on the reasons why these bruises have arisen at all. If they chase you regularly, no matter how tired you are, how you sleep, whether you eat well, do not be too lazy to consult with a therapist. Dark circles under the eyes can be the first symptom of heart problems or a sign of anemia. It is important to diagnose these conditions in time.

If bruising is a one-time occurrence, most likely you don't need to worry. To get rid of them, it is enough to make a little lifestyle change and use the simple home methods of Dark Circle Under Eyes: Causes.

1. Get enough sleep

The sleep rate for an adult is 7-8 hours a day. It is this period that allows the body to recuperate. Well, and blood circulation at the same time.

Little life hack: if you wake up with bags under your eyes, try sleeping on a higher pillow. It will help improve the flow of blood and lymph.

2. Follow your drinking regimen

It is not necessary to pour eight glasses of water into yourself every day. Just don't let the feeling of thirst. I wanted to drink - do not dismiss this desire, drink water, tea, fruit drink, juice. Also, try to control the color of your urine. As long as it is colorless or light yellow, your drinking regimen is fine.

3. Eat well

Your job is to maintain healthy hemoglobin levels. Make sure your diet includes foods rich in:

  • iron (for example, meat, fish, liver, spinach, chicken eggs);
  • folic acid (eg, leafy greens, legumes, asparagus);
  • vitamin C (e.g. citrus fruits, strawberries, black currants);
  • vitamin A (eg, liver, cod liver oil, spinach, pumpkin).

4. Moisturize your skin

The thinnest skin under the eyes suffers from a lack of moisture in the first place. So invest in a moisturizer and use it at least before bed. Apply the product with light pat movements - this gentle massage will improve blood circulation and lymph drainage.

If possible, monitor the humidity in the room in which you sleep or spend most of the day. This is especially important in winter when the heating is on.

5. Apply a cold compress under the eyes

This is an express method that will help you quickly "erase" cyanosis. Apply cotton pads or, for example, tablespoons soaked in cool water to the area under the eyes for 3-5 minutes. The cold will constrict the blood vessels, and they will no longer shine so clearly from under the skin.

6. Place cucumber slices or brewed tea bags under your eyes

Yes, yes, grandmother's funds are working.

Cucumber - for the reason that it contains a lot of moisture, which means it will perfectly moisturize the skin under the eyes. In addition, it also serves as a kind of alternative to a cold compress.

Tea that gets on the skin from the sachets contains caffeine - it improves blood circulation. If you pre-chill the brewed sachets in the refrigerator, they will also replace the compress.

7. Apply concealer

Light makeup will not get rid of under-eye circles, but it will help mask them.

How to remove bruises under the eyes using professional methods

If the cause of dark circles is genetic characteristics or age, lifestyle changes cannot be overcome. In this case, you should contact a beautician or dermatologist. The doctor will listen to your complaints, conduct an examination and, based on its results, suggest a way to cope with the problem. This could be:

  • Brightening cream. Professional products with azelaic, kojic, glycolic acid or hydroquinone help to get rid of bruises.
  • Chemical peeling. These treatments reduce skin pigmentation and make under-eye circles less visible.
  • Laser therapy. Another way to reduce pigmentation and start skin regeneration.
  • Use of fillers based on blood plasma or hyaluronic acid. Such funds are injected with the thinnest needle and "fill" the skin, making it denser.
  • Blepharoplasty. Often, circles under the eyes become noticeable only because the eyelids, which have become heavier with age, cast a shadow on this area. A plastic surgery called blepharoplasty removes bags under the eyes and makes the eyelids less bulky.

Which of the options to choose is up to you. Of course, after consulting a doctor.
