Table of contents:

How to stop snoring quickly and permanently
How to stop snoring quickly and permanently

Snoring gets in the way of relatives, neighbors, and pets, but that's not the point. Snoring is dangerous and increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

How to stop snoring quickly and permanently
How to stop snoring quickly and permanently

Snoring is a common problem. 45% of adults snore from time to time, and 25% constantly.

Snoring occurs when air does not pass well through the back of the nasopharynx and oropharynx. In this area, there are soft tissues of the respiratory tract, tongue, palate, uvula. They close (for various reasons) and vibrate under the influence of air, and we hear sounds of varying degrees of loudness.

There are many reasons why we snore, so there are many ways to stop snoring.

What are the causes of snoring and how to treat it

1. Clogged nose

How to stop snoring if a clogged nose is to blame
How to stop snoring if a clogged nose is to blame

Correct breathing is through the nose. He, in fact, was invented for this. Therefore, when the nose is clogged or stuffed up - due to allergies or a runny nose - the air passes through the "alternate" routes, and this leads to snoring.

How to stop snoring

Drugs help to cope with congestion; they are different for each type of rhinitis. Just in case, remember that you should not get carried away with vasoconstrictor drops. If your nasal congestion lasts a week and you can't breathe without medication, see your doctor.

2. Curved nasal septum

A thin septum between the two nostrils can be formed so that one nostril is noticeably narrower than the other and this will interfere with nasal breathing.

How to stop snoring

This type of snoring can only be cured by surgery - rhinoplasty. Sometimes the septum changes shape due to trauma. The treatment is still the same - surgical.

3. Inflammation of the tonsils

Enlarged tonsils (including the so-called adenoids) are most often a child's problem. Therefore, if a child snores, it is imperative to visit an otolaryngologist and check the health of the tonsils.

How to stop snoring

Follow the recommendations that the ENT will give. In each case, inflammation can be caused by different reasons, which means that the treatment will be different.

4. Sleeping on your back

How to stop snoring if sleeping on your back is to blame
How to stop snoring if sleeping on your back is to blame

Even perfectly healthy people snore on their backs, it's all about posture.

How to stop snoring

The easiest option is not to sleep on your back. How to do it? Make yourself comfortable with pillows, choose comfortable mattresses. And the most effective way is to make a pocket on the back of a nightgown or T-shirt and put a tennis ball (or other small, dense round object) there. He simply will not let you roll over onto your back - it will be uncomfortable.

5. Medicines

Medicines have unexpected side effects. Snoring is one of those. Sleeping pills, sedatives, muscle relaxants, antidepressants can cause relaxation of the muscles of the tongue and pharynx, and this is manifested by snoring.

How to stop snoring

If you notice a connection between taking medication and snoring, tell your doctor about it and find new medications.

6. Weak muscle tone and anatomical features

When the muscles are too relaxed, the tongue may sink a little into the throat and constrict the space for air. Sometimes this problem manifests itself with age, sometimes genetics are to blame for it, and sometimes people themselves, if they use alcohol or drugs, relax the muscles too much.

In some cases, snoring is caused by the shape of the palate, which interferes with the free flow of air. The tongue, if too long, can also cause snoring. Such anatomical features are acquired either from birth, or are earned with age and overweight.

How to stop snoring

Sometimes it is enough to return the weight to normal for the night breathing to be restored without any problems. If this is not the case, other risk factors must be excluded.

It is clear that alcohol and drugs must be stopped. But if the reason is not in them, then the muscles can be strengthened with breathing exercises and singing Singing Exercises Improve Sleepiness and Frequency of Snoring among Snorers-A Randomized Controlled Trial. There is no convincing evidence that singing will definitely help, but this method at least has no contraindications.

Orthodontic appliances can be used if it is a language that falls in love. They are somewhat reminiscent of dentures and help to correctly position the organs in the oropharynx during sleep, to make way for air.

Cleft palate surgery is the last treatment option that the British Snoring and Apnea Association recommends only as a last resort. To begin with, you need to try all other methods of treatment and make sure that it is the structure of the palate that is to blame for the snoring. Unfortunately, this is a traumatic and unreliable method that does not guarantee you will stop snoring once and for all.

Why snoring is dangerous

How to stop snoring: Why snoring is dangerous
How to stop snoring: Why snoring is dangerous

In addition to the fact that snoring is annoying to everyone and causes the snorer to move to a separate room, it can be a sign of serious health problems.

Sleep apnea is not just snoring that interferes with sleep. Apnea is holding your breath. During sleep, muscle tone in the upper respiratory tract decreases, and the person stops breathing for more than 10 seconds.

With such a disease, it is difficult to get enough sleep, because the brain receives a signal about a lack of oxygen and tries to wake a person up. The patient may wake up several times during the night, he does not fall into deep sleep, as a result, there is not enough night, constant fatigue appears. In the morning, the mouth is dry, with a headache (and this is not associated with a hangover).

Sleep apnea increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases: heart attacks, strokes. It is a dangerous condition, but it can also be cured. For example, there are special devices for patients (they are called CPAP devices) that allow them to breathe fully during sleep.

Therefore, if you know that you snore, constantly want to sleep, feel lethargic and tired, complain about snoring to your doctor.

How to know if you are snoring

Usually, people are reported snoring by family members or neighbors, that is, those who suffer from loud noises in the middle of the night. It is more difficult for lonely people to notice their own snoring, but it is possible.

Ask a friend to spend the night with you with a light sleep (preferably for several nights) or try to record yourself at least on a dictaphone.

Checklist: how to stop snoring

  1. Learn to sleep on your side.
  2. Do not drink alcohol before bed 5 ways to stop snoring and quit smoking so as not to irritate the oropharynx.
  3. Maintain a healthy weight.
  4. Treat colds and defeat chronic respiratory diseases.
  5. Try exercise or at least sing.
  6. Visit your dentist, ENT, and therapist to pick up snoring devices or decide if surgery is needed.
