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8 tips for aspiring removers
8 tips for aspiring removers

How to stay productive and stay inspired.

8 tips for aspiring removers
8 tips for aspiring removers

1. Communicate with colleagues as much as possible

Communication is the key to success in any profession, but when working remotely, it is especially important. You no longer sit a few steps away from your colleagues and your boss, so your task is to communicate with them one-on-one once a week.

Discuss overall goals, upcoming projects, and current challenges. Be clear about your progress over the past week. It is more difficult for a manager to notice your progress when you are not in the office. So don't be afraid to mention important milestones yourself.

2. Get a reliable technique

Of course, first and foremost you need a stable Wi-Fi. At least for a stable connection during video calls. The rest depends on where you work and what exactly you do. Some people need quality noise canceling headphones, others need a wireless keyboard and mouse, and some need two monitors.

3. Get support from like-minded people

It is believed that remote workers are more likely to feel lonely. To feel supported and connected to the real world, connect with like-minded people online or in your local coworking space. Surrounded by people who successfully work remotely, it is easier for beginners to do their own work.

4. Find a comfortable workplace

Nothing should interfere with concentration. Whether it's a coworking space, a cozy coffee shop, or a private workspace at home, find the environment that motivates you the most.

5. Define your own style of work

Find out when you are more productive: in the morning or in the evening. Whether you need short and frequent breaks, or one big break in the middle of the day. Consider these considerations when scheduling your personal schedule to be more productive.

6. Remember to take care of yourself

In the distance, the line between home and work is blurring. Gradually, you may notice that you sit at the computer longer and longer. Sometimes this is really necessary when it comes to a big deal or an important presentation. But don't forget that you need to think about yourself as well. Take time to exercise, breathe fresh air, and eat right.

7. Disconnect from work on time

This is one of the main difficulties. You need to get used to the fact that you will receive emails and notifications at any time of the day, especially if you are with colleagues in different time zones. But this does not mean that all messages must be answered immediately.

Determine when you are officially disconnected from work, after which you no longer think about your tasks. Don't tell your coworkers that you are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

8. Enjoy the new opportunities

If you're fortunate enough to be flexible, get the most out of it. Spend more time with your children, and make an appointment with a doctor you have not been able to see due to a typical workday. Finally, travel! Now you are not tied to the city where your company is located.
