6 essential tips for aspiring entrepreneurs
6 essential tips for aspiring entrepreneurs

Own business is a journey full of fear and uncertainty. Each step must be balanced and thoughtful. The vaunted risk and luck turn out to be the result of hard work. These tips from successful Australian entrepreneur Andrew Griffiths will help you understand where to start and how to survive on your path to success.

6 essential tips for aspiring entrepreneurs
6 essential tips for aspiring entrepreneurs

1. Don't listen to skeptics

Andrew Griffiths admits that most of his friends in the marketing world were adamant and advised against writing books. However, he ignored the skeptical remarks and did what he wanted. The first book was written and published after all. It became commercially successful around the world and brought Griffiths popularity and wealth, and has since published 10 more best-selling books.

2. Pursue your goals

Getting out of bed in the morning, you should clearly know why you are doing this. Check your goals and aspirations daily. Sometimes you will feel that your desires are changing. In this case, it is imperative to find out why this is happening.

Your daily tasks and activities should be organized according to a global purpose. If it changes, so will your schedule.

3. Don't make common mistakes

Modern entrepreneurs are impatient and often give up long before their business is successful. You need to find your niche and do everything to fill it. Then the business will work.

Another common mistake: entrepreneurs do not talk about themselves and their business. But many consumers want to know all about it.

By the way, Angela Ahrendts, Apple's senior vice president of retail and e-commerce, also speaks about the importance of telling about your own company:

As the world becomes more complex and connected at the same time, stories gain an amazing ability to nurture, connect and inspire. I believe that with the tools of the digital age armed, the future of storytelling could be even richer and more significant than its past.

Andrew Griffiths advises: you need to understand how your business is different from any other, and tell your clients about it in order to stand out from the rest.

4. Think of problems as opportunities

The problem should be viewed as a new opportunity. But you need to be ready for this. Identify the bad scenarios and figure out how you can respond to them in each case. What will be the biggest damage? Maybe your company will only get better in the face of a disaster? Don't think of problems as a sign that it's time for your business to change. You need to learn how to use critical situations to grow your company.

When I was 20, I lost $ 50,000. A little later, I realized that this was an investment in the future that would save me a fortune in a few years.

Andrew Griffiths

5. Don't forget your reputation

Honesty and a good reputation are very important to an entrepreneur: they will feed you. Therefore, be careful when choosing partners. Respect people. Work on yourself constantly. Lay the foundation for future steps and perspectives. Be patient. Make acquaintances.

Help people get what they want and they will definitely give you what you want.

6. Learn to empathize

Put yourself in other people's shoes. Think not about yourself, but about how to help people who are listening to you. Before you start talking, ask yourself what you can do for the person you are talking to.
