50 simplest and best tips for the aspiring photographer
50 simplest and best tips for the aspiring photographer

© photo

On Lifehacker, we have already published several articles on the art of photography. Here are the most interesting ones:

How to take a beautiful picture of a girl?

How to beautifully photograph a child?

How beautiful to photograph yourself?

But these articles are more likely to come in handy for those photographers who have been mastering this skill for a long time. Today's post is dedicated to tips for those who just want to start photographing.

1. Installing UV filters on your lens is a waste of time.

2. Lens hood is optional.

3. If you are not using a lens hood, take it off.

4. You don't have to worry about your DSLR like a little child.

5. Don't hate other photographers.

6. Use cheap lens caps.

7. When going to shoot, take less things, you must be mobile and compact.

8. Use the zoom for convenience.

9. A fixed lens will make you think hard.

10. The 35mm lens is the most practical.

11. But 50mm looks cooler.

12. The best cameras don't always take the best photos.

13. Learn how your camera works before you go out on set.

14. Always be ready to take a picture.

15. P-mode isn't just for newbies.

16. If necessary, increase the ISO a lot.

17. Auto ISO is your best assistant.

18. Remember the Rule of Thirds.

19. Take more pictures.

20. No need to photograph any nasty things.

21. “If the picture is not good enough, then you are not close enough.” - Robert Capa.

22. Look at the snapshot.

23. Even the best equipment will not help you if you choose the wrong point to shoot.

24. Sharpness value is overrated.

25. The main thing is the concept.

26. You don't need to be intrusive, pester people too much, watch them and sneak.

27. No need to drink alcohol and take pictures at the same time.

28. Go on set when you're full of energy.

29. Sometimes it's great to get up very early and shoot.

30. Think about what kind of light you want.

31. When you start photographing, imitate the style of the great masters.

32. … but don't keep doing it.

33. Photography is a reflection of the photographer.

34. When photographing, think about pleasing yourself and no one else.

35. Taking a photo in a targeted or tactful way is not the most important thing.

36. By asking the subject of the photo shoot, you stay focused.

37. Change the position and appearance of things more often, this will keep them fresh.

38. Every person has a creative streak.

39. Be critical of yourself.

40. “Seeing a photograph is not enough, you need to feel it” - André Kertes.

41. You should be there with your camera.

42. The relationship should be between you and the subject of the photograph, not between you and the camera.

43. You don't have to look at every photo you take on your camera.

44. Be adamant about removing ugly photos.

45. Show only the best works.

46. An uninteresting photograph does not become more interesting if you make it in black and white.

47. Look at other people's work.

48. Post photos online, listen to criticism and advice from others.

49. Yes, it's not easy to get a good shot.

50. _
