Table of contents:

How to bring yourself back to life in 3 days after a hard week
How to bring yourself back to life in 3 days after a hard week

Stick to this routine to deal with fatigue and sleep deprivation.

How to bring yourself back to life in 3 days after a hard week
How to bring yourself back to life in 3 days after a hard week

Day 1. Saturday

Go to bed no later than 11:00 pm on Friday. Yes, the temptation to sit late into the night watching TV shows or go out somewhere with friends will be great, but you need to recuperate.

What time to get up

Around 10 am. If before that you went to bed at 23:00 or earlier, at least 11 hours of good rest will come out. And this is good. Research has shown that it takes four times as much to make up for every hour of sleep lost.

How to eat

  • Remember to drink water if you feel thirsty. Even mild dehydration can affect mood and make you feel tired.
  • Don't overdo it with alcohol. It affects the quality of sleep. So it is better to limit yourself to one glass of weak alcohol or not drink at all.
  • Don't eat a particular diet. Nutritionist Lea Groppo from Stanford University recommends adding more fresh vegetables to the menu.

Things to do

  • Don't check work emails and instant messengers. You have a day off, so use it to reduce stress and restore resources, including emotional ones. Research shows that completely disconnecting from work can help you recover faster.
  • Go in for sports. This could be strength training, cardio, yoga, or even just a walk. Physical activity will energize you and help you fall asleep faster. True, it is better to refrain from vigorous exercise an hour before going to bed.
  • Tidy up your bedroom. Change your bedding (this should be done every 7-10 days), vacuum over carpets and curtains. Dust can cause restless sleep, itchy nose, sore throat.

What time to go to bed

Still no later than 23:00. But this time you will sleep a little less - 9-10 hours. This is necessary in order to gradually return the body to a working rhythm.

Day 2. Sunday

What time to get up

Around 8:00. You have been sleeping an average of 10 hours for two nights now, you feel refreshed and you may think that you have already come to your senses, but do not stop there.

How to eat

  • Keep eating vegetables. Choose natural foods with unprocessed ingredients: whole grain breads and pasta, brown rice, cereals, legumes, fish, meat, and unrefined oil. Avoid sweets.
  • Be careful with caffeinated drinks: coffee, black and green tea, energy drinks. Better to limit yourself to 1-2 cups, and until 2:00 pm, and then switch to herbal tea.
  • Eat foods that help fight fatigue: fruits, nuts, grains, jerky, hummus.

Things to do

  • Resist the temptation to take a nap. Sleeping during the day can disrupt your circadian rhythms and prevent you from getting to bed in the evening. Rachel Salas, a neurologist at Johns Hopkins Hospital, advises: if you really want to take a nap, do it before 3:00 pm and no longer than 20-30 minutes.
  • Try yoga or stretching. Gentle, leisurely exercise can help you relax, relieve stress, relieve anxiety, and prepare your body for sleep.

What time to go to bed

At 23:00. Set aside 15-60 minutes for your evening ritual: shower, stretching, grooming, reading, planning tomorrow. This will help you calm down and tune in to sleep.

Day 3. Monday

What time to get up

At 6 or 7 am - depending on how much you need to go to work. Either way, you will be able to get the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep. Just get up right away, don't set the alarm. All these "well, another 5 minutes" do not help you to rest, but only expose you to stress, because a full sleep cycle lasts much longer.

How to eat

  • Don't skip meals. Try to keep them nourishing, varied and nutritious. Avoid junk food whenever possible.
  • Choose a light meal for lunch and try not to overeat. Otherwise, you will feel more tired in the evening.

Things to do

  • In the middle of the day, try to find time for a walk or exercise. This will help the brain tired of mental work to reboot.
  • If you have to choose between going to sleep and going to the gym, give preference to the former. If you sleep well, tomorrow you will have more energy for sports.

What time to go to bed

At 11:00 pm or earlier. This is the optimal time for most people: it is for this time that our circadian rhythms are sharpened. Your task is to provide yourself with a full 7-8 hours of sleep. Try not to use gadgets an hour before you go to bed.

Remaining days of the week

Don't give up the good habits you started over the weekend:

  • go to bed before midnight and sleep at least 7 hours a day;
  • eat varied and nutritious, choose natural products;
  • try to build physical activity into your schedule;
  • do not get carried away with alcohol and sweets.

Try to organize your activities wisely throughout the day so that you no longer have to sacrifice sleep. Here are some signs that show you are getting enough sleep:

  • in the morning you get up easily, and sometimes even without an alarm clock;
  • you don't feel tired throughout the day;
  • Sleep as much on weekends as on weekdays.

If you still struggle to sleep, wake up in the middle of the night or early in the morning, snore, have nightmares, anxiety, or restless legs syndrome, be sure to see your doctor.
