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How to stay calm if your plane is in turbulence
How to stay calm if your plane is in turbulence

Pay attention to how the crew behaves. If the flight attendants are calm, then most likely you have nothing to worry about, even if the situation seems serious.

How to stay calm if your plane is in turbulence
How to stay calm if your plane is in turbulence

According to pilot Patrick Smith, author of the Ask the Pilot blog, turbulence is usually not a cause for concern. This is more of an inconvenience than a security threat. It takes tremendous pressure to damage the engine or bend the wing. The likelihood of being in such a situation is zero, even if you fly very often.

However, flying through turbulence is very unpleasant. In order not to lose your presence of mind, use the following tips.

Prepare your place

When buying a ticket, choose a seat closer to the middle of the cabin, above the fenders: here the turbulence is not felt so much. Also, try to create a comfortable environment for yourself.


Always have something on hand to help you get distracted. It can be an interesting book, your favorite movie or TV series, relaxing music.

A bag in case you feel sick

It may not be useful to you, but you better play it safe. If your seat is not equipped with such a package, ask the flight attendant for one or bring your own in advance (just make sure it doesn't leak).

Everything for comfort

A soft blanket, neck pillow, comfortable sweatshirt and slippers will help you relax and feel calmer.

Try to relax

Do breathing exercises

If you practice yoga or meditation, you are already familiar with breathing techniques. If not, try this exercise: inhale for 4 seconds, exhale for 8 seconds, repeat several times.

Get your feet off the floor

This way you will feel less vibration in the aircraft.

Don't resist

Try not to strain, but rather relax your muscles. This will take concentration, so at least you will be distracted from negative thoughts.

Also remind yourself that it shakes even more in ground transportation, it's just that we are so used to it that we hardly notice. Remember how often you are thrown up by road bumps, when you are driving or cycling, or when you are rocked in the subway.
