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Don't let fights over money ruin your marriage
Don't let fights over money ruin your marriage

Money can cause serious disagreements between spouses. Therefore, even before the wedding, it is better to discuss all financial issues in order to prevent problems in the future.

Don't let fights over money ruin your marriage
Don't let fights over money ruin your marriage

According to the US National Center for Health Statistics, about 2 million couples legalize relationships worldwide every year, while 800,000 couples divorce or annul marriage. The biggest cause of relationship breakdown is financial problems. Here are some tips to help you avoid them.

1. Discuss financial goals

Find out how each of you feel about money. If one of the partners is used to spending more money, and the other is saving money for a rainy day, the conflict will sooner or later mature.

By learning how to calmly and restrainedly discuss money issues at the beginning of a family relationship, you will prevent the occurrence of quarrels in the future. It is important to know in advance how you will handle each other's personal expenses.

2. Make a family budget

Plan together how much you can afford and how much you will save. Determine if all the money earned will be shared or if everyone will independently manage their income.

The family budget can include the personal expenses of each spouse so that you and your spouse can get what you need.

3. Find out if your partner has debts

It is likely that one of the spouses will have a debt upon marriage, such as a loan or loan. These payments will affect the family budget. And considering the interest, the amount can be quite significant. Therefore, it is better to discuss all the details with your loved one in advance. The faster you pay off the debt, the faster you can reach your overall financial goals.

4. Start saving money for the future

Although now you are unlikely to think about retirement, it is not as far away as it seems to everyone in their youth. Therefore, it is worthwhile to take care of family well-being in retirement years in advance and start saving money for the future.

5. Get insurance in case of incapacity for work

You can protect your family from possible problems with the help of such a social tool as temporary disability insurance. Life is unpredictable, and it may happen that one of the partners has to sit without work for several months or years. Insurance will help you avoid financial problems.
