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Wisdom of the East: 8 books worth reading for a Westerner
Wisdom of the East: 8 books worth reading for a Westerner

Eastern literature is very different from Western literature. It cultivates other values that are described in a completely different language. These eight ancient oriental books will be of interest to Westerners from both cognitive and spiritual points of view.

Wisdom of the East: 8 books worth reading for a Westerner
Wisdom of the East: 8 books worth reading for a Westerner

1. Upanishads


The Upanishads are the focal point of all Indian spirituality, its fullest expression. Philosophical reasoning here is interspersed with mythological plots. Together they are not only able to expand knowledge about Indian wisdom, but also give a deep understanding of its mystical meaning.

Why you need to read

If you want to know why your “I” is the basis of the universe, why there is no death and what the statement “Atman is Brahman” means. The Upanishads consist of a large number of treatises of varying degrees of content, so first you should familiarize yourself with the encyclopedic article about them in order to approach reading prepared.

2. Bhagavad-gita


The Mahabharata is one of the largest literary works in the history of mankind. In scope and epic character, it is in no way inferior to Homer's Iliad or Odyssey. We recommend that fans of the epic overcome it completely. For the rest, it is enough to familiarize themselves with a small piece of the fifth book - "Bhagavad-gita".

Why you need to read

Bhagavad-gita is a reference book for any adherent of Hinduism. It contains and sets out the main directions of ancient Indian thought, which became the foundation of the future religion. Do not be afraid of the book, believing that it will contain only religious dogma. In ancient India, philosophy and religion were linked, so spiritual works do not call the reader to blind faith.

3. Kamasutra


The Kamasutra is the most famous ancient Indian treatise on love, the relationship between a man and a woman, family life and seduction. This book will show you how to win a girl's heart, properly distribute responsibilities around the house and diversify your sex life.

Why you need to read

To understand that the Kamasutra is not only an encyclopedia of sex. In fact, it is the central work of the philosophical school of ancient India, which considered sensual pleasures to be the highest value. In addition to aspects of the relationship between the sexes, the essay reveals many theoretical and philosophical issues.

4. Tao Te Ching (Book of the Way and Grace)

Tao Te Ching
Tao Te Ching

We often use the terms "Tao", "Yin and Yang", "Qi", often without any idea what they really mean. We interpret their meaning in our own way and not always correctly.

Why you need to read

To better understand the terminology and worldview of Ancient China. "Tao Te Ching" is a real treasury of wisdom, in which you will find many aphorisms.

5. I Ching (Book of Changes)

I Ching
I Ching

The Chinese worldview is radically different from the Western one, which is why it is so attractive to many. The Book of Changes perfectly conveys the essence of the philosophical views of Ancient China. They are based on the belief in the natural and regular development of all things. Some stages and states are replaced by others according to well-defined laws. Whatever you do, you will not be able to break this order.

Why you need to read

To understand the foundations of the universe and use this knowledge for their own purposes. The hexagrams of the "Book of Changes" are considered the most famous and theoretically grounded methodology of fortune-telling. However, their study requires a long and painstaking approach, so additional literature is indispensable.

6. Tibetan Book of the Dead

Tibetan Book of the Dead
Tibetan Book of the Dead

After death, the human soul embarks on a long journey to its new body - this is the axiom of the "Tibetan Book of the Dead". It describes the stages of the posthumous wandering of the soul and gives practical instructions on how to behave after death in order to find peace.

Why you need to read

The author describes the events as if he faced them himself. This circumstance alone should interest and arouse curiosity: how can the author know about the afterlife? However, after reading the book, it turns out that everything is not so simple. Posthumous descriptions may well be a metaphorical expression of states of living consciousness.

7. Epic of Gilgamesh

Epic of Gilgamesh
Epic of Gilgamesh

Modern Western man knows little about the Sumerian-Akkadian mythology. And it is no less rich in meaning and content than the ancient Greek or Scandinavian. In addition, it is much older than them: The Epic of Gilgamesh was created over 1,500 years, starting from the 18th century BC.

Why you need to read

To get acquainted with interesting stories that are found in Greek and Christian literature. For example, the protagonist Enkidu is made of clay. The work also contains the motive of the flood as a purification. The roots of Christianity lie in Judaism, and the roots of Judaism lie in the Sumerian-Akkadian mythology.

8. Records of the deeds of antiquity

Records of the deeds of antiquity
Records of the deeds of antiquity

Westerners know very little about Shinto (the traditional Japanese religion). Can you remember at least three gods of the Land of the Rising Sun?

Why you need to read

A huge number of myths and legends will greatly enrich your understanding of Japanese culture. This work will also help to better understand the attitude of the Japanese to power: it contains a lot of historical information about the most ancient rulers of this country. It is from this monument of literature that one should master the culture of Japan.
