Table of contents:

6 effective business communication techniques
6 effective business communication techniques

In whatever field you work, your career growth is highly dependent on how well you communicate with people.

6 effective business communication techniques
6 effective business communication techniques

1. Watch your body language

According to research, body language is responsible for approximately 55% of how others interpret your emotional state. Therefore, it is important not only verbally, but also non-verbally to express a positive attitude and a desire to cooperate. After all, no one wants to work with aggressive or overly critical people.

  • Remember to make eye contact when talking to someone. But look away from time to time, otherwise it may seem that you are trying to psychologically pressure the interlocutor.
  • When discussing a problem with you, express interest and curiosity. For example, wrinkling your forehead or resting your chin on your hand.
  • Stay upright and relaxed. Use gestures to better explain your point of view, and avoid crossing your arms over your chest to avoid appearing closed.
  • Try to be parallel to the interlocutor. To do this, sit face to face during a conversation.

2. First of all, try to understand the interlocutor

Many people listen only in order to answer something or to decide how what the interlocutor said will be useful to them. Instead, during the conversation, think about what the other person is really trying to tell you. This will help you better understand his needs. Knowing them can help you come up with an appropriate response that will help build trust.

The interlocutor will have the feeling that you really care about his opinion, that you understand him better than others. He will be more positive about you and more likely to work with you in the future. In the end, this will help you get what you want faster and without unnecessary conflicts, while at the same time helping the other person feel good.

3. Ask open-ended questions

People often hold back and do not express their thoughts. To build trusting relationships, you need to find out the real motives and desires of the interlocutor. Formulate the questions in such a way that in response you can say more than “yes” or “no”. And do not forget to mention that you will not judge the interlocutor for his answer.

For example, coworkers often share their irritation about a problem. To help them, just need to ask an open question: "What needs to change to make the situation better?" This will help shift attention from the problem itself to solving it.

After that, ask additional questions, for example: "What exactly do you mean?" This will help you delve deeper into the issue and find the root cause of the problem, which means you will be of more value to your colleagues and strengthen your relationship with them.

4. Be honest

Of course, this is not so much a method of communication as a basic life principle. People do not trust those who behave suspiciously or do not say something. In work communication, it is especially important not to lie or hide important information from colleagues. Otherwise, effective teamwork will not work.

People around you will treat you better and respect you more if you are honest with them, even if you have to admit your mistake to do so. But still observe the measure. Some words may be honest, but offensive.

5. Express your opinion correctly

By representing the views of others, you can design your own so that they are acceptable to others. This does not mean that you need to adapt to others. Just put it in a way that doesn't offend the other person.

For example, your boss asks what you think of a new development strategy. And you, for example, do not like it, you see many negative consequences that the boss does not notice. After asking him some open questions, you realized that your views do not coincide. The boss is very happy with this strategy and believes it will work.

Instead of saying, “I think this is a disgusting idea, there are too many weak points,” try to frame your opinion in such a way as to bring something useful into the conversation. If you just criticize the plan, the boss is likely to get angry and not be able to take constructive comments.

Better to say: “I understand what you were guided by when you made this plan. And it can really benefit us in the future. But I am a little worried about some points, I have faced similar problems before. Are you interested in my opinion? Your boss will see that you are cooperative, not just criticizing, and will take your words seriously.

6. Be prepared to accommodate

Everyone speaks and understands the interlocutor in different ways, based on their own field of activity, level of education and culture. Therefore, when explaining something to a person from another sphere, do not use jargon words and terms. Give a simple analogy and use clear language.

This is very important, because during your career you will have to collaborate with people from completely different fields. If you do not go to meet them, a lot of misunderstandings and mistakes can arise. And clarity and mutual understanding are the foundations of the effective work of the entire team.
