How weight loss affects character
How weight loss affects character

I'm sure you have friends who have lost weight. And you probably noticed that they have changed not only their appearance, but also their character. People who have grown thin become a little more sarcastic, angrier, perhaps more narcissistic. I thought for a long time why this is happening, and found the answer. And not even one.

Why people who lose weight get angrier
Why people who lose weight get angrier

“Hey, fat one, come here,” I hear behind my back and know who the high school students have decided to turn to. In the 7th grade, when my weight was even more than now, I often heard this phrase and got used to it, because I thought that nothing could be changed. If you’re a fat seventh grader with glasses and long hair, you’ll have to get used to it.

Several years ago I lost weight, and one of my first articles on Lifehacker was devoted to this. Many times I was told that, having lost weight, I changed not only outwardly - my character also changed. More often than not, I did not take these words seriously, even if they were spoken by people who know me well.

Not long ago, I realized that they were telling the truth. I came to this by remembering myself at school and comparing it with what I am now. It took me only 5 minutes to realize that losing weight really changes people not only in appearance. The same thing happened to several of my friends who also went through it. Their character has changed. And not for the better. Why?

The opportunity to recoup

There is no one more angry than schoolchildren. Perhaps only terrorists. If your volume at school exceeded the average, then you know what I'm talking about. Constant ridicule, jokes and bullying - almost every fat man has to deal with this. More often than not, you cannot fight it, but you can recoup.

Have you lost weight? Now you can treat others the same way you were treated. If you were bullied at school, now you can bully others the same way. Have you been teased? Now you will not miss the opportunity to pin someone else. It turns out to be so nice!

It is believed that cats forget bad things very quickly. Even if a narrow-minded sadist decides to torment the cat, she can again come up to him after a while in the hope of affection or food. It seems to be about the same with people. We forget too quickly what it is like to listen to insults, silly jokes and sarcasm. And, having received the opportunity to do the same, we do not miss it. But in vain.

Scientific theory

In order to lose weight, you have to limit yourself to food. This cannot be done in any other magical way. Of course, you will have to remove products such as chocolate, bread, pastries, etc. This is one of the tasks of which is to transport tryptophan, an amino acid that needs help getting to its destination. And no matter how silly it may sound, you can help her by eating unhealthy foods.

I hope you didn't quit reading the article after the previous sentence and ran to the refrigerator. This does not mean that now you need to eat everything to be happy and kind, but a small amount of fast carbs daily does not hurt.

Scientists have even conducted it by observing people with normal and inadequate levels of tryptophan absorption. Needless to say, the latter turned out to be angrier?

Limitations and envy

And this point is also about food. Everything is much simpler here. Many people who lose weight suffer from the hardships that they have to expose themselves to. Someone begins to enjoy a healthy lifestyle, someone still cannot come to terms with it and lives every day through strength. Alas, this is not the best way to live your life. No wonder such people get angrier. Moreover, a feeling of envy begins to wake up towards those people who can afford to eat anything.

Food is terrible.

Self confidence

We are accustomed to the fact that fat people are a kind of "second class". You can break at them, insult or send - they will forgive everything. Well, it is unlikely that you can do the same with a person who has lost weight. After losing weight, a person regains self-confidence that was not there before. And you mistakenly perceive it as anger.

Here you need to make a reservation. Not all fat people are insecure. Some fit most people in the belt easily. Nevertheless, the fact remains - after losing weight, a person becomes much more confident in himself and his strength.

There is simply no choice

There are much fewer complaints about a thin person. Have you ever heard of a thin person being accused of being “thin and also evil”? What about fat people? These are biased. If you are fat, and also evil, consider that you have no place in this world. Therefore, overweight people have to be kind and smiling in order to somehow compensate for the defects in their bodies. It is not surprising that after losing weight, the character changes.

After all, you can finally allow yourself to be what you want, and not the rest.

I think I was able to list all the reasons. Losing weight people become a little angrier, sarcastic, narcissistic. There may be exceptions to the rule. But with the change of the body, our character also changes. This is neither good nor bad - it’s just a fact.

I am sure that each of you has friends who have lost weight. What happened to their character? If you've lost weight, it's even better! Tell us how your attitude towards life and other people has changed.
