20 things you need to do at 30 to be good at 50
20 things you need to do at 30 to be good at 50

When a person reaches the age of thirty, a very interesting and important period begins for him. It is at this time that the foundation of your future life is most often laid, right now you need to take simple and concrete actions so that later you do not regret the wasted time and missed opportunities.

20 things you need to do at 30 to be good at 50
20 things you need to do at 30 to be good at 50

This material is based on a Quora discussion on the question "What do I need to do at 30 that will be most beneficial for me in the years to come?" We selected the most popular answers from real people (many of whom gave them based on their own personal experience) and provided short comments.

No smoking

If you haven't started smoking before the age of 30, then by no means do it now. If you already have this addiction, then now is the time to quit. It is difficult to think of a more harmful and stupid hobby that spoils your health and shortens your life.

Stop eating all sorts of shit

At an early age, our tastes are largely determined by the family in which we grow up. But at the age of 30, it's time to turn on your brains and understand what has a direct connection with your well-being and longevity. It's time to stop snacking on the go, overeat pizza and hot dogs, drink liters of cola and beer.

Maintain (or restore) relationships with parents, siblings

In our youth, we all manage to break wood, burn a couple of bridges and renounce our hated past. But then the understanding comes that the most important thing in the life of any person is the family, and all these storms, revolutions, convictions come and go. So it's time to restore broken connections before it's too late.

Stop going out in the sun without sunscreen

Tanning becomes fashionable, then vice versa. But, regardless of this, it does not cease to be harmful. If you don't want to get dry, pigmented skin with a bunch of wrinkles very soon, then never forget about sunscreen.

Exercise regularly

Until the age of 30, everyone is relatively healthy. After - only those who pay attention to this and regularly exercise.

Start saving money. Even a little

Save money. Yes, this advice sounds boring, trivial and non-sexual, but it really needs to be. Now you are at the peak of your form, which will decline in the future, so the day will come when the savings you have made will be useful to you.

Learn to appreciate what you have

One of the fundamental skills that is necessary for a happy life is to learn to enjoy what you have and stop gnawing at unfinished castles in the air. Yes, with this approach, your chances of becoming a millionaire will decrease, but you will live a calm, happy life. What is more valuable to you? You decide.

Stop procrastinating

Do you want to build a house? Have children? Write a book? Learn to play guitar? Get another education? Career change? It's time to get started today. No, after thirty, too, life does not end, but then it will become more and more difficult for you to do something new.

Follow the daily routine

Now that night vigils for notes and days of spree are over, it is necessary to understand the importance of proper diet and sleep. This is what will help you keep your energy at the proper level for all subsequent years.

Protect your teeth

Let everyone who reads this paragraph dream about an old man or an old woman with a denture in a glass. Now run to the dentist to get your teeth in order!

Start collecting impressions, not money

You are the sum of your experiences. One day you will wake up and realize that all your belongings have no meaning and value. Only your memories and impressions do not lose value over time and always stay with you.

Do charity work

In our youth, we are helped to get on our feet. In old age, they help us to hold out longer. And only in adulthood do we have time for self-help and charity.

Conquer your fear

If you wanted to jump with a parachute, conquer a mountain peak, participate in competitions or confess your love to that very girl, then now is the moment. And what, then, sitting by the fireplace in warm slippers, and regret all his life that he did not dare?

Read at least 10 books a year

Few? For a start, and this is not bad, the main thing is that the books are correct. And then, maybe you will get a taste and read like the heroes of this post.

Travel as much as you can

"I spent most of my life in front of the TV and the monitor!" - a sad prospect, isn't it? To prevent these words from becoming your reality, you need to break out of the circle of your ordinary life as often as possible and go on a journey. There is no better way to gain new experiences and experiences. And also clear your brains.

Learn to meditate

If playing sports is designed to keep your body in order, then meditation performs approximately the same function, but for your consciousness. The benefits of meditation have been confirmed by numerous scientific studies, so there is no mysticism or religion. Just a daily cleansing routine.

Find yourself

At 20, you are trying with all your might to show your coolness and independence, but in fact you are excruciatingly worried about every look in your direction. At the age of 30, you should have already cured of the habit of comparing yourself to others and begin to be guided by your opinion.

Keep a diary

If you haven't done so before, now is the time. You already have something to remember, something to share, and you still have something to dream about. The further, the more the past years will be erased in the memory, so try to fix them on paper. How else to write your memoirs later?

Find a home

Yes, this is a difficult question, especially in our conditions. Nevertheless, each person needs a place where he will strive to return and which he can rightfully call his home.

Start to value friendship

At the age of thirty, as a rule, the most trusted and best friends remain, with whom no trouble is terrible. Appreciate this friendship, keep it and develop it. There will be no such friends in your life, because the older, the more difficult it is for people to converge.

What useful qualities, habits, goals would you recommend to today's 30-year-olds?
