Table of contents:

Who are agenders and what else you need to know about them
Who are agenders and what else you need to know about them

Such people can change their gender identity at any time.

Who are agenders and what else you need to know about them
Who are agenders and what else you need to know about them

Who are the agenders

AGENDER Agenders are people who do not identify themselves with any of the existing genders.

Physically, however, they can be men, women or intersex people. But the biological side of the issue is not interesting to the agenders. More precisely, they are indifferent to her, neutral. Therefore, agenderness is sometimes called gender neutrality. What Does It Mean to Be Agender.

However, some believe Agender is not entirely correct. Neutrality implies that the person has had some previous experience of being a man or a woman. Agenderness is the absence of gender identity in general.

Where did the agenders come from and is it normal?

Considered Inqueery: What Does It Mean to Be Agender? that for the first time the term "agender" sounded on the American Internet forum UseNet in 2000. One of the users, discussing philosophical issues in the chat, mentioned: "God is amorphous and agender, […] therefore cannot be depicted as a physical, gender or sexual object."

This quote quickly went viral. There are enough people who do not feel their gender. They live as if he does not exist at all. They began to call themselves agenders, and agender in general became part of the LGBT community, falling into the so-called “non-binary umbrella”. This is a group of people Persons of Nonbinary Gender - Awareness, Visibility, and Health Disparities, whose gender does not correspond to the standard binary division into male and female.

Non-binary people are gaining more and more acceptance. For example, several states and counties in the United States, including California, Oregon, Minnesota, District of Columbia, New York, are already issuing or planning to issue gender-neutral driver's licenses or birth certificates. But, despite this, non-binary is a relatively new phenomenon, so there are almost no large-scale scientific works on this topic.

Scientists do not yet know how widespread agender is, what factors lead to this type of self-identification. Today, only one thing is clear: from the point of view of modern Western science and social values, agender is a variant of the norm. No less normal than the traditional self-image as a man or a woman.

What else you need to know about agents

This is not the same as asexuals

In fact, these two concepts are united only by the negative prefix a-. There is no gender for agenders. Asexuals do not recognize the importance of sex: intimate life and sex drive do not play any role for them.

Agender person can be asexual. But this is optional. Like people of any other gender, agenders can have absolutely any sexual orientation.

There is no one right way to be agender

Agenderness can manifest itself in different ways Agender. Someone chooses a neutral version of behavior and appearance - intermediate, not male or female. Someone is not sure of their gender, they cannot describe it with one binary concept. Someone simply does not care about their own gender in principle. And someone believes that he has no gender at all and did not have it.

It is permissible to refer to the agender "he" or "she"

Conversion is a matter of habit, not gender identity. So it is permissible to refer to agender people in both the feminine and masculine gender. It all depends on which of the calls is most comfortable for a particular person. The best way to find out is to ask politely.

Agender is not necessarily forever

It is perfectly normal for What Does It Mean to Be Agender to feel like an agender at a certain period of your life, and later realize that you belong or want to belong to one of the genders. People change. In some cases, gender identity too.
