7 reasons musicians are more likely to be successful
7 reasons musicians are more likely to be successful

If you turn your attention to the most successful people in the world, you will find that almost all of them play the piano, saxophone, guitar or violin … Music teaches us a lot, and those who want to succeed should definitely try to master some instrument.

7 reasons musicians are more likely to be successful
7 reasons musicians are more likely to be successful

Paul Allen, billionaire and co-founder of Microsoft, plays guitar. Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the US Federal Reserve, was a professional saxophonist. Businessman and billionaire Bruce Kovner plays the piano. Google co-founder Larry Page played saxophone in high school.

It doesn't matter if they learned this as a child or continue to practice music today, many successful people have mastered the skill of playing musical instruments in one way or another. You may have already heard about the Mozart Effect - an increase in brain activity while listening to music. It leads to increased performance while performing complex tasks.

But researchers assure that playing musical instruments is useful not only because of the Mozart effect. Any instrument and any genre of music has a positive impact, and if you practice hard and regularly, you will surely feel how music …

Strengthens your confidence in your own creativity

Music is an incredibly creative process. When you pick up an instrument and make a beautiful sound out of it, you practice the skill and understanding of how you can create something out of nothing. Obviously, the tool is just a way to express your creativity.

And creativity itself is a skill that is required in almost every field. Whether you are trying to solve a difficult problem or want to find new career paths, a creative mind will prompt and help you find the best answer.

Taking music is a way to transform the flow of creativity into something constructive and rewarding.

Helps to learn to cooperate with others

Music, of course, sooner or later leads to communication or collaboration. For example, you can play in a band or ensemble accompanied by other instruments - something that all musicians encounter.

It's not enough to be a good musician. You need to learn to play along with others. Good music is the result of harmonious collaboration with every member of the team.

All this is the strongest motivation to learn how to work together and communicate with others. Music shows you all the positive results of fruitful group work. It turns out that having learned to work with people, we, in the literal sense of the word, will be able to play together and be on the same wavelength with them.

Makes you look for new opportunities

When you play a musical instrument, you are not just playing notes. You try to arrange them in a harmonious sounding sequence - in fact, this is the whole point of music. To create it means to find a way to combine single sounds together so that you get a beautiful melody.

Music makes you look for new opportunities
Music makes you look for new opportunities

Playing music teaches us to visualize all our observations and knowledge about sounds and understand what kind of pattern the notes should add. We begin to realize how sounds are connected to each other, why this is harmony, and this is cacophony. Playing a musical instrument allows us to explore relationships and makes us discover new possibilities.

Trains discipline, composure and concentration

Learning to play a musical instrument is quite difficult. Especially if you are starting this journey for the first time. Most of us, of course, are not born great musicians, so we need long hours of practice to be able to make decent sounds.

It takes tremendous effort, focus, confidence, and patience. We have to transform the beginner's flat-sounding music into something rhythmic, deep and multidimensional. But success and progress will be especially long-awaited, and you will understand: all this work was not in vain. This lesson is worth taking note of and applying it to all walks of life.

Increases emotional intelligence

Playing a musical instrument makes you a sensitive and attentive listener. This is important, because it is precisely this skill that is key to interpersonal relationships. People convey emotions in a variety of ways - with tone of voice or speed of speech. Unsurprisingly, scientific research has shown that musicians are highly susceptible to interpreting other people's emotions.

Improves memory

Learning to play the selected piece of music correctly means memorizing the sequence of notes. Some musicians have an incredible ability to memorize. For example, a soloist of a symphony orchestra can play for 20 minutes without interruption and only from memory.

Trying to memorize the sequence of notes trains your memory. Scientists have proven that playing music increases the ability to memorize words and comprehend information by ear. Some studies have even shown that musicians can remember a lot more from the text they just read than those who have never touched the instrument.

Music improves memory
Music improves memory

Improves strategic planning skills

Playing a musical instrument is also difficult because it is a complex task for the brain. He constantly coordinates motor skills with what the musician perceives by ear. Thus, you need to build all the steps correctly, along the way finding and correcting mistakes, supplementing everything that happens with a short forecast for the future.

Monitoring what is happening not only connects several brain processes at once, but also creates a strong relationship between the two hemispheres. Basically, music helps connect most areas of the brain to a single process and focus their work on one task.
