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10 tips for becoming a careerist
10 tips for becoming a careerist

Careerists. Someone does not like them, someone respects, someone envies, and someone wants to become such. For those who are not without ambition and courage, we tell you how to succeed in building a brilliant career.

10 tips for becoming a careerist
10 tips for becoming a careerist

It is customary to call a careerist a person who, in addition to his work, also focuses on how to build his career. In my understanding, a careerist is one who takes care of his career, like any other person takes care of his health.

How do you become a careerist? This question worries many people who are unhappy with their careers. As an HR, I have raised more than one careerist in 10 years, so I will gladly share the secrets of how this is done. Moreover, companies love careerists too, as they are the ones who move the business forward. Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Richard Branson - they are all careerists too, as they are regularly concerned about moving forward.

1. Choose an inspiring goal

In general, a careerist is not about a comfortable lifestyle and improving living conditions. A careerist would not dream of swapping his Ford Focus for a Volkswagen Passat. The stride is too small to create tension and energy. The careerist dreams of a luxury Porsche Cayenne. Come on, pick a cool car, post a photo on your Facebook and write "2020 goal".

2. Get out of your comfort zone

Many successful people in their careers were once thrown to the sidelines: they were fired from their jobs, abandoned by their husband or wife, they lost their apartment due to mortgages, and so on. They were once so thrown out of their comfort zone that, being there for a long time, they got used to not being afraid of difficulties and challenging fate.

Start small and build momentum. Give up sugar, coffee and elevator today.

3. Read books about other careerists

We haven't written a good book on building a successful career yet (I plan to fill this gap by the end of the year, for now there is only training), so read books about entrepreneurs who have created themselves. Almost 99% of their experience can be transferred to your career. Start with books that are very easy to read: Evgeny Chichvarkin, Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Sam Walton, Elon Musk.

4. Look for your talent

All careerists have one thing in common: they found their talent and thanks to it they achieved success. Jobs was a fan of design, Gates was a calculating nerd, Branson was extravagant. Their businesses are exactly the same. A talent cannot be copied, you can only find your own unique one. But this is not enough either. You also need to learn how to apply it in real work or career. The situation is further complicated by the fact that we ourselves cannot realize it.

Talent is the ability to do very easily work that others find difficult or even impossible. Mozart could write before a concert what others could not write for years.

How do you know your talent? First, write down everything that your friends, acquaintances, relatives, colleagues, boss ask you to do. Obviously, this is the best thing.

5. Compete

You must always compete with those around you. Especially where it comes to your talents and interests. A careerist cannot lose to his colleagues. He simply has to look for ways to get around them. No matter what you do, you have to be better than people like you. Determine what is the main measure of success in your profession and compare your results with others. Constantly try to be the best.

10 tips for becoming a careerist
10 tips for becoming a careerist

6. Go in for sports

It's hard for me to imagine a successful person in a career who wouldn't go in for sports. Sport trains, gives energy, improves appearance. Sports alone can provide faster career growth and higher wages. And along with the rest of the tips - it's just a complete synergy.

7. Once every 6-12 months, ask for a career advancement or a salary increase

So that it is not like in that joke:

You can develop yourself and try for an infinitely long time, but if it is elementary not to talk with the manager about your development or not to look for another job, if all the opportunities for growth in the company have been exhausted, your career will not go up. Not only Einstein was burned at work, where it was simply necessary to transfer papers from one pile to another. Remember: in the end, the employer should not be interested in your continuous development. Sometimes he just needs an average employee in his current position.

8. Prepare yourself for risk

A careerist is very often faced with the need to take risks for a more interesting job or a higher salary. This risk is not always justified, but when it is justified, it rewards all unsuccessful attempts. You must be ready morally, psychologically and financially to quit your job and your home for a new challenge.

SimpleFoto /
SimpleFoto /

9. Prepare your family

You can cook and tune yourself for an infinitely long time, but what's the point if one phrase of your close family member “Don't rock the boat” can ruin your career. Work with your family, convince you of the need for your development, look for the common interests of family members with your own, persuade, sell, ask and beg. Only with the support of your family will you achieve success.

10. Cut Your Way to Retreat

Very often, for success, you just need not to leave yourself a choice. The mortgage, the birth of a child, the signed letter of resignation are very good incentives to go forward without looking back. In this case, it is much better if everything happens according to plan and under your control than suddenly and at the most unfortunate moment.

People with a salary of 500 and 2,000 dollars are distinguished not by the different number of arms, legs, eyes and other things, but by the number of bumps filled and conclusions drawn. If you continue to do the same tomorrow as today, guess what the result will be? We were taught at school not to make mistakes (remember that damned red pen?) And eventually made us obedient biorobots. In fact, our whole life is 10 mistakes, of which one leads to the right decision. Here, as in startups: out of 10 launched, only one will be at least somewhat successful. Take as many actions as possible so that the same 10% of successes are cluttered among the failures. Good luck!
