Table of contents:

Why hair splits and can it be saved
Why hair splits and can it be saved

Remember: prevention is the most important thing.

Why does hair split and can it be saved
Why does hair split and can it be saved

How to tell if your hair is split


Fedor Tonkikh Chief Trichologist of the Real Trans Hair Clinic

According to statistics, every third girl has split hair.

Sometimes split ends are not easy to find. Especially if there are very few of them. Take a thin section of hair and examine it. If you think everything is in order, try to twist the strand into a tourniquet and take a closer look at the puffy hairs.

Here are three signs of split ends:

1. Your hair is dry, thin, brittle, and the ends are split or bristled.


2. Or split in several places.


3. There are nodules near the tip of the hair - fracture sites.

What to do if your hair is split: Hair fracture site
What to do if your hair is split: Hair fracture site

Why does hair split

With trichoptylosis - as the problem is scientifically called - hair splitting occurs.

Hair begins to split against the background of external influences or due to internal problems of the body, in which it is necessary to be examined.

Fedor Tonkikh Chief Trichologist of the Real Trans Hair Clinic

Improper care

  1. You often blow dry your hair, use a curling iron or a hair straightener.
  2. Do not wear a hat in the sun and cold weather.
  3. You often dye, perm, and extend your hair.
  4. You wash your hair every day.
  5. Comb your hair often and for a long time. Or tearing tangled strands in the process.
  6. Often you braid your hair or pull it up in a ponytail.
  7. You haven't cut your hair for a long time.

Health problems

  1. You are not eating properly. You lack iron, vitamins A, E and B.
  2. You have a hormonal failure.
  3. Your metabolism is impaired.
  4. Your circulation is impaired.
  5. You have a scalp disorder (such as seborrheic dermatitis).

What to do if your hair is split

Hair care manufacturers offer nourishing masks for split ends, but remember that this is a preventive measure. First of all, a trip to the hairdresser is waiting for you.

Cut off damaged hair. It is impossible to glue them together. Then move on to preventative action.

Fedor Tonkikh, chief trichologist of the Real Trans Hair clinic

What to do to avoid future problems

Review your diet

You should eat foods high in:

  1. Iron: spinach, red meat, turkey, broccoli, legumes.
  2. Vitamin A: liver (beef, goose and lamb), tuna, salmon, mackerel, goat cheese.
  3. Vitamin E: oil (wheat germ, sunflower, hazelnut), almonds, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, goose meat, avocado, paprika.
  4. B vitamins: grains and grains (brown rice, barley, millet), red meat, eggs, dairy products, legumes.

Protect your hair from heat and cold

In summer, hide from direct sunlight, or apply a leave-in zinc oxide conditioner to your hair, or simply wear a hat.

In winter, tuck your hair under a hat.

Choose a new hairbrush

Use a soft, flexible brush or wide-toothed comb to avoid tearing or damaging your hair.

What to do if your hair is split: Choose a new comb
What to do if your hair is split: Choose a new comb

If you have straight hair, brushing it while wet is not recommended. Wait for them to dry, or use a comb.

Curly hair, however, is best combed while wet. And also with a comb.

Do not comb too often and intensely

Only do this when you need to style your hair. Do not pull them down or jerk them - your movements should be smooth.

If the strands are very tangled, carefully separate them with your hands and only then grab the comb. Do not tear in any way - this will damage the hair structure. You can use oil or conditioner to make it easier.

Wash your hair less often

In order not to take away natural moisture from your hair and skin, try to wash your hair 2-3 times a week. Lather the shampoo at the roots, then rinse off the lather. Do not lather the ends.

What to do if your hair is split: Wash your hair less often
What to do if your hair is split: Wash your hair less often

Use conditioner and hair oil

But the conditioner and oil are applied precisely to the damaged ends. These products provide nutrition and hydration.

Choose a conditioner for your hair type: the composition of the product depends on it. And make sure that natural ingredients and vitamins are listed on the label.

Dry your hair naturally

Do not wrap a towel around your head. Better to gently blot your hair and leave it to dry on its own.

Do not blow dry your hair. Hot air damages hair, making it dry and brittle.

Give up curling irons and ironing

For the same reason as from a hair dryer. Try combing your hair, choose simple hairstyles, and leave the iron and curling iron until the holiday.

Do not over-pull your hair by tying a ponytail

Use non-woven elastic bands; they will not pull out your hair. Don't pull the ponytail too tight or do it every day. Give your hair some rest.

Dye less often and do chemistry

Chemicals for dyeing and curling dry hair severely. Therefore, try to take 8-10 week breaks between these procedures.

And choose a shade that is as close to your natural color as possible. This is less damaging to the hair.

Be careful with hair extensions

Choose a trusted specialist and ask to use the lightest materials and the safest extension technique. Wear hair extensions for no longer than three months.

Trim the ends regularly

Do not tear off the panicles, even if it seems logical to you. This is not true.

Do not cut your hair at home unless you have professional scissors. Kitchenware can only make things worse.

See your hairdresser every 6-8 weeks. And try a haircut with hot scissors. Hairdressers claim that the hair is as if sealed, retains moisture and stops splitting.

Use hair masks

Buy a ready-made mask with natural ingredients. For example, argan or burdock oil. Or prepare a mask at home.

Egg yolk hair mask

Egg yolk contains vitamins A, E, B7 (biotin), iron.

In a small bowl, thoroughly mix 2 yolks and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Spread the mixture over the entire length of the hair, avoiding the roots, put on a shower cap and wait 20 minutes.

Rinse off the mask with running water and shampoo. Repeat the procedure once a week.

Bentonite Clay Hair Mask

Bentonite clay moisturizes hair. And a mask with it can be used instead of shampoo.

Mix 1 cup dry bentonite clay, 1 cup warm water, and ½ cup apple cider vinegar. If the mixture comes out too thick, add a little more water. The mask should not come out too thin or viscous.

Spread the mixture over your hair and scalp. After 5-10 minutes, wash off the mask with water. Repeat the procedure several times a week.

See a doctor

Split ends can be just one of the visible signs of health problems.
