Table of contents:

16 signs of a truly intimate relationship
16 signs of a truly intimate relationship

Relationships are not when your status on the social network has changed, but something more serious.

16 signs of a truly intimate relationship
16 signs of a truly intimate relationship

1. You laugh at some jokes

True, no one but you laughs at them, because they do not understand what the salt is. These jokes appeared somewhere between the kitchen and the bedroom, when someone got tangled in one sock, and someone remembered a children's joke. Explaining to others is useless, because all experiences are too personal, and the associations are random, but you two are still funny.

2. You have a secret language

No, no, this is not about how you call each other a dawn and a yacht, although you can do that anyway. When you talk about something of your own, other people cannot understand you: the words seem to be familiar, and the sentences do not add up. Of course, everything is clear to you.

3. You understand each other, even if it is impossible to understand

- I urgently need this one, where is it?

- Well, where is that.

- Oh, exactly, here!

Usually, an attack of tongue-tiedness occurs when the head is occupied with super important thoughts and there is no time to remember the name of some thing. But you two do not need this, everything is clear without words.

4. YouTube invites you to watch some strange videos

Close relations
Close relations

Where is the My Empty Bottles list from? What other spruce seed porridge? Who again read Lifehacker from your computer and watched all these strange videos?

5. And you watch them

Because I wonder what your half was thinking when you opened the link.

6. You are listening to this story for the hundredth time

The story of how the younger brother spent the change from the last ruble on lollipops and distributed them to the whole yard, obviously, greatly influenced the partner, if he constantly remembers it. And you are listening for the hundredth time, as for the first time.

7. You know more about childhood friends than they know

When you are introduced to Zhenya (well, remember, I told you?), You immediately understand what to expect from this acquaintance (and, is it you, Zhenya, then ate some tar?).

8. You stopped noticing that you are replacing "I" with "we"

Strong relationships
Strong relationships

“Our cat”, “We woke up”, “We didn't expect this” … In general, it is no worse than the parents of small children. But who said it was bad?

9. You can tell everything. Really everything

And freely talk about things that are not customary to mention “in a decent society”, because the person with whom you are next understands and accepts you completely and completely.

10. You often talk about your loved one

But not because you go crazy with love, but because most of the stories about your life are stories of joint adventures. You spend a lot of time around, so no surprise.

11. You know each other's everyday habits and tastes

Signs of a close relationship
Signs of a close relationship

Therefore, do not buy vanilla shower gel (it must be raspberry) or a fragrance in the car with the smell of pine needles (because you need coffee and nothing else), do not offer pasta for dinner (because in the evenings there are only vegetables) and you will listen to rap in headphones.

12. You know a lot about things that you are not interested in

For example, list a dozen Jedi, although you do not like Star Wars, tell me which soldering iron to choose and why, although you yourself did not hold it, or quote a poem, although you do not like poetry. Your hobbies and interests are different with your loved one, but you are always ready to listen with curiosity to what they say to you.

13. You bought a second blanket

Passion has not faded away, and love has not gone anywhere, but suddenly it turned out that you can sleep together and not share a blanket, enjoying the rest the way you like best.

14. You know your loved one's schedule

Therefore, when you are invited to a party on Thursday, you refuse: the half has an important presentation on Friday, so you need to sleep on Thursday.

15. You already visit separately


Because you met all the friends of the halves and you understand in what company it will be boring. But not to lock the house of a loved one?

16. You have terrible dirt

Yes, you saw those baby photos with a bare bottom and you know who ate from a cat's bowl at the age of six months. Your grandmother has already told you everything.
