Spring detox: 8 foods to cleanse the body
Spring detox: 8 foods to cleanse the body

The listed products magically act on our body and it automatically starts its purification system. It is better not to use some of them now, as it is clearly not the season for them now. But it's still worth knowing about them and remembering their properties.

Spring detox: 8 foods to cleanse the body
Spring detox: 8 foods to cleanse the body

Before carrying out all these procedures, it is imperative to consult a doctor. Especially if you have any chronic diseases or even the slightest suspicion of their presence. This is especially true for problems with the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, digestive system in general, or kidneys.

And in order not to expose your body to such tests, I offer you a list of 10 foods that will help you to carry out a general cleaning in the body and prepare it for spring.


Not for nothing, our mothers and grandmothers, with the first signs of a cold, tried to immediately give us tea with lemon. And it's not that they thought vitamin C was a super-weapon against viruses. In fact, its superpower is that it helps convert toxins into water-soluble forms, which are much easier to eliminate from the body in this form. Lemons also stimulate the liver and cleanse the blood.


Beets are a real vitamin bomb! And if before that you bypassed her, I recommend to reconsider your opinion. It contains a lot of beta-carotene, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron and vitamins such as C, B3 and B6. They help our liver and gallbladder break down toxins, and fiber improves digestion and waste elimination. To cleanse the body, it is recommended to use it raw with herbs and lemon juice.


Of course, most apples from the last harvest have partially lost their useful properties over the long winter, but you should not exclude them from your diet. Apples are not only rich in fiber and nutrients. They also stimulate the production of bile, which the liver uses to flush out toxins. Pectin helps our body get rid of heavy metals and food additives. Do not buy beautiful overseas apples, as behind their appetizing appearance lies a whole store of substances, from which, in theory, they should help us get rid of.

Green vegetables

Green vegetables are high in chlorophyll. It helps our body cleanse itself of heavy metals, toxins, herbicides and pesticides. Greens, cucumbers, celery stalks, broccoli, soy or wheat sprouts, and so on, all help your body. They are the basic building blocks of any complete and healthy diet, and they also aid in purifying and oxygenating the blood.


Raw garlic is a powerful weapon against viruses and has antiseptic and antibiotic properties. It stimulates the production of enzymes in our liver that help the body filter out toxins that come from the digestive system.


Seaweed contains a huge amount of antioxidants that condition our blood and strengthen the digestive system. Alginic acid, which is found in algae, absorbs toxins from the digestive tract. They also contain a huge amount of useful minerals. The same seaweed (kelp) contains chlorine, potassium, sodium, magnesium, silicon, phosphorus, iodine, calcium, iron, zinc, vanadium, manganese, nickel, cobalt and molybdenum.

Green tea

I think that green tea is just a storehouse of antioxidants, everyone has already heard. But in this case, we are interested in precisely the catechins, which improve liver function. In addition, drinking green tea helps to hydrate our body, and not vice versa, as is the case with coffee and black tea.


Cilantro deserves a special mention as it helps our body get rid of heavy metals that can lead to depression, cancer, hormonal and thyroid problems. The chemical compounds in cilantro bind these toxins, drawing them out of the blood, tissues and organs. And they help our body to get rid of this unpleasant burden.

You can find most of these products on the shelves of our stores (and markets) almost all year round. And beets with herbs and lemon juice are just a three-in-one detox bomb!
