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22 inspirational Stephen King quotes about life and work
22 inspirational Stephen King quotes about life and work

On the birthday of the King of Horrors, we offer a selection of life-affirming phrases from his books.

22 inspirational Stephen King quotes about life and work
22 inspirational Stephen King quotes about life and work

On September 21, the great and inimitable Stephen King turned 72 years old. “Age is just a number,” says one of the writer's characters in The Land of Joy. Observing how much and how fruitfully King works on new books, enjoys life in all its manifestations, be it playing the guitar or family walks, it is difficult to disagree with this.

About creativity and writing skills

1 -

"Guys, fiction is truth hidden in lies, and the truth of fiction is simple enough: magic exists."

From the novel "It".

2 -

"One idea lights a thousand candles."

From the novel "It".

3 -

“It seems to me that in the work of any writer - usually at a fairly early stage - a 'novel-crossroads' arises, when the author is given a choice: either to continue doing what he has already done with success before, or to try to set himself a slightly higher goal … But only looking back after many years, you begin to understand how important it was for you to make the right decision then. After all, sometimes such a moment happens only once in your career. For me, such a book was the novel The Shining, in which I decided to raise my bar to new heights."

From the preface to the novel "The Shining".

4 -

"When it comes to the past, each of us is a writer."

From the novel "Land of Joy".

5 -

“This is the curse of reading people. We can be seduced by a good story at the most inopportune moment.”

From the novel "11/22/63".

6 -

"If everything's a bummer, give up and go to the library."

From the novel "11/22/63".

7 -

“A good novelist doesn't lead his characters, he follows them. A good novelist doesn't create events, he watches them happen and then writes down what he sees."

From the novel "Who found, takes for himself."

8 -

"The main rule of a successful author is to write a lot and read a lot."

From the autobiography "How to write books."

9 -

“The book should be like unexplored lands. Go to it without a map. Explore it and make your own map."

From the collection of stories "Hearts in Atlantis".

10 -

“The idea is that a cold. Sooner or later, someone will definitely pick it up."

From the novel Under the Dome.

11 -

“We are writers and therefore never ask each other where we get ideas. We know we do not know"

From the autobiography "How to write books."

12 -

"Every book you take in your hands gives its lesson or lessons, and very often a bad book can teach more than a good one."

From the autobiography "How to write books."

About positive thinking

13 -

"If you get down to business, tackle it thoroughly or don't start at all."

From the novel "Doctor Sleep".

14 -

"Any smile is better than no smile."

From the story "The Cat from Hell".

15 -

“Not all ships that sail into darkness disappear without seeing the dawn. If life teaches anything, it teaches that there are so many happy endings …"

From the novel "It".

16 -

“Let it happen, what will happen. Just remember: you have to follow the call of your heart."

From the novel "Pet Cemetery".

17 -

"Five-minute battles give birth to legends that live for millennia."

From the novel "The Dark Tower".

18 -

"The present can be improved by examining the past."

From the novel "Gerald's Game".

19 -

“The only way to live is to live. Saying to yourself: 'I can do it,' even knowing that you cannot."


20 -

“Remember that hope is a good thing, perhaps the best of all. She's not dying."

From the story "Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Rescue."

21 -

"There may be fairies and elves, but remember: God helps those who help themselves."

From the novel "Misery".

22 -

“The scariest moment is just before the start. After that, it can only be better."

From the autobiography "How to write books."
