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How to get rid of black dots
How to get rid of black dots

It is useless to torment the skin with a washcloth and scrubs. And even harmful.

How to get rid of black dots
How to get rid of black dots

What are black dots

Blackheads of What Are Blackheads are large pores that for some reason turned out to be clogged with dead skin and sebum. Most often, these marks appear on the face, especially on the cheeks, chin and wings of the nose. But they can be found on the back, neck, chest, arms and shoulders - that is, where there are many hair follicles and sebaceous glands.

How to get rid of black dots
How to get rid of black dots

See what black dots look like Close

Cosmetologists call them open comedones and consider Acne: Overview to be a mild type of acne.

How black dots are formed

A black point occurs when dead skin cells and sebum, which is produced in the sebaceous glands near the hair follicle, do not have time to leave the time.

How to get rid of blackheads: comedones are formed when dead cells and sebum do not have time to leave the time
How to get rid of blackheads: comedones are formed when dead cells and sebum do not have time to leave the time

It's time to clog up, get wider. And its contents on the outside darkens distinctly.

Blackheads are often thought of as accumulated dust and dirt in the pore, but this is not the case.

Simply dead cells and fat, in contact with air on the surface of the skin, are oxidized. And they acquire a dark yellow, and then almost black color. If you squeeze out an open comedone, you will find that it is only black on the outside. And inside it is a colorless substance.

Why do black dots appear

The time can be blocked for various reasons What Are Blackheads. Here are the most common ones.

  1. Hormonal changes. Like other types of acne, blackheads are most common in adolescents. The fact is that androgens - male sex hormones, the level of which rises sharply during puberty, increase the production of sebum and accelerate cell renewal. Also, blackheads often appear in women during menstruation, premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy, or while taking certain hormonal birth control pills. Sometimes comedones can be a symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome.
  2. Heavy sweating. A layer of moisture closes the exit from the pore, which causes its contents to accumulate inside. Active sweating can be associated with a health condition (for example, hyperhidrosis) or lifestyle - the same physical activity at an elevated temperature.
  3. Inappropriate cosmetics or clothing. A greasy cream, an oily hair balm that gets on your back and shoulders, or even a face mask can also make it difficult for the contents to escape from your pores.
  4. Insufficient skin cleansing. A film of dust and dirt blocks the exit from the pores.
  5. Too active cleansing of the skin. If you overuse peels, scrubs, or simply wash your face too often with soap, then remove the protective layer from the skin. The body responds to this with increased sebum production.
  6. Sloppy shave. Due to irritation of the hair follicles, the body begins to actively produce new cells and sebum.
  7. Stress. Strong experiences also sometimes lead to increased production of sebum.
  8. Taking some medications. We are talking about drugs, the side effects of which are accelerated skin renewal or increased production of sebum.
  9. Food habits. Have data on Can the right diet get rid of acne? that some foods are also capable of making the skin more oily. This can happen if you overuse sweets, baked goods, fast food and other high glycemic index foods, as well as dairy products.

How to get rid of black dots

Here are several ways, each of which can clear open comedones from your skin.

1. Use over-the-counter blackhead remedies

They are sold in pharmacies and supermarkets in the form of lotions, cleansing masks, creams, and gels. These products usually include Blackheads salicylic acid, which cleans out excess sebum from the pores, and benzoyl peroxide (this chemical kills bacteria and prevents blackheads from turning into inflammation).

2. Try prescription drugs

Such creams and ointments contain active substances based on vitamin A - Acne retinoids. They prevent the formation of plugs in the hair follicles and accelerate the renewal of skin cells, that is, they help to smooth the skin surface and reduce pore size.

There are several types of A-compounds: tretinoin, tazarotene and adapalene. What active substance will be most effective in your case and what its concentration should be, the doctor - dermatologist or cosmetologist will tell you.

Please note: retinoids have contraindications. And also, while you are using them, you should definitely protect your skin with sunscreen with a powerful SPF, even in winter. Otherwise, getting rid of black dots, you risk acquiring much more noticeable age spots instead.

3. Get professional cleaning

This procedure is carried out by a professional cosmetologist or dermatologist. With the help of special tools, he will open Acne pores and remove the contents that have clogged them.

4. Get dermabrasion

Dermabrasion is performed with MICRODERMABRASION with a special tool that allows you to polish the skin surface, removing excess fat, dirt and blackheads from it. For this procedure, you also need to contact a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

5. Try chemical peels

During this procedure, the beautician will apply Acne to the skin a composition containing acid (for example, lactic, glycolic or tartaric) in a sufficiently significant concentration. It will dissolve and help exfoliate the uppermost layer of the epidermis, at the same time removing black dots. Please note: skin damaged in this way flakes, and the flaking can last up to two weeks.

Chemical peels can also be done at home: shops sell creams and serums containing a small percentage of acid. However, a home-based one will not be as effective as a professional one.

6. Undergo a laser peeling procedure

Using a special Blackheads device that generates a laser beam, the beautician gently smoothes the epidermis, removing irregularities, dead cells and blackheads.

How not to remove black dots

These What Are Blackheads treatments are popular, but sometimes even more blackheads and pimples on the skin become after them.

  • Extrusion. Trying to squeeze out a black point irritates your skin. In response, to protect itself, it begins to produce more sebum.
  • Steam baths. They are believed to "open up the pores" and make it easier for their contents to escape. But the effect of the baths has not been proven. And some people believe that this procedure even made their skin problems worse.
  • Active scrubbing. Scrubs remove sebum - it's true. But at the same time, especially if you use them too often, for example every day, they injure the skin. And she defends herself, getting fatter.
  • Rubbing with hydrogen peroxide. It can improve acne skin (for example, a small study of a hydrogen peroxide-based acne kit in treating acne: Randomized, controlled, multicenter study of a hydrogen peroxide-based acne system versus the benzoyl peroxide-based acne system in the treatment of mild to moderate acne vulgaris, which confirms this). But at the same time, peroxide is an aggressive product that can dry out and irritate the skin.
  • Use of sticky strips and masks. In advertising, it looks beautiful: he glued the strip to the nose, then tore it off in one motion - and the black dots, along with the contents of the pores, remained on the paper. However, in reality, such products can irritate the skin. As a consequence, black dots will quickly return.

What to do to prevent black dots from appearing again

Follow the simple rules for preventing Acne.

  1. Wash your face in the morning and eveningto remove accumulated grease and dirt from the skin. Use a mild soap or foam for this.
  2. Avoid alcohol-based products. They irritate the skin.
  3. Wash your face after sweating or eating something greasy. Leaving food fat on the skin can also lead to clogged pores.
  4. Choose moisturizers over rich nourishing creams.
  5. Thoroughly rinse balms and hair masks from shoulders and back.
  6. Use mild exfoliating peels and scrubs - with the finest particles or acid-based. Use them no more than 1-2 times a week so as not to injure your skin.
  7. Discard thick foundation and multi-layered cosmetics. A healthier option is a moisturizing toning balm or BB cream.
  8. Review your diet. Try to give up fast food, sweets, and baked goods. Add more fresh vegetables, fruits, oatmeal, legumes to the menu.

This material was first published in October 2016. In February 2021, we updated the text.
