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How to lose weight by walking
How to lose weight by walking

Who among us has not dreamed of keeping ourselves in good shape without exhausting workouts? Here it is, the chance - a workout plan that includes walking and very simple exercises that will help you lose weight.

How to lose weight by walking
How to lose weight by walking

Hiking is sometimes so effective that it is gradually becoming a new sporting trend. For example, Whitney M. Cole, a Los Angeles-based coach, has created a workout routine called popular hill walks. For Fitness Magazine, he has put together a 150 minutes per week workout plan to help you keep fit. It is suggested that you will do these workouts 7-11 times a week.

First workout: 15-minute brisk walk

A daily 15-minute walk will help you burn at least 50 calories. Experts say that these 15 minutes and 50 kcal can be a decisive factor in the appearance of extra centimeters at the waist (something like a small pebble that can provoke an avalanche). Another plus: after such a walk, you will not feel hungry, as is the case after a standard workout. And you don't need to close the protein-carbohydrate window either. At least that's what researchers at Loughborough University in the UK say.

Cole recommends walking at a pace of 5 kilometers per hour and avoiding stops whenever possible. Gradually, this walk can be brought up to 45 minutes a day. As an additional exercise that can be done on the go, it is suggested to squeeze the buttocks. Thus, you will kill two birds with one stone: burn extra calories and make your ass elastic and round.

Second Workout: 40-Minute Relaxing Walk

Research results confirm the beneficial effects of walking on our emotional well-being. Even 10 minutes outdoors can reduce anxiety and lift your spirits.

In his plan, Cole offers a 40-minute meditation walk during which you can silently count "one, two" every time your foot touches the ground. Thus, you will enter a certain pace and not only burn calories, but also clear your mind of information waste. You can do it in silence, or you can compose a playlist with your favorite songs and enjoy them while walking.

Workout 3: 30-Minute Fat-Burning Walk + Buttock Strengthening

To make our legs and buttocks work a little more actively than during normal walking, it is not at all necessary to run or go uphill. For example, increasing stride length will put more stress on your quads. You can alternate one minute of brisk stride with one minute of wide stride walking.

Your walking workout might look like this:

  • 1–4 - Walk at a moderate pace as a warm-up.
  • 5–9 - alternate one minute of walking at a wide pace and one minute of walking at a moderate pace. Try to keep your posture and look forward, not at your feet.
  • 10–13 - alternate one minute of walking at a moderate pace and one minute of walking with lunges. A wide step forward with the right leg, the knee angle of the supporting leg is 90 degrees, the left leg is bent, the knee practically touches the ground. To move the left leg forward, you do not need to straighten completely, leaving the legs bent.
  • 14–17 - Switch again between one minute of walking at a moderate pace and one minute of walking in a wide stride.
  • 18–21 - Alternate one minute of walking at a moderate pace with one minute of walking with lunges.
  • 22-30 - switch between one minute of walking at a moderate pace with one minute of walking in wide strides for four minutes. Then, for the next four minutes, alternate a minute of walking at a moderate pace and a minute of walking with lunges. Use the remaining minute for a hitch - take a leisurely walk.

Fourth workout: intervals of 20-40 minutes

If you alternate walking and running, in 20 minutes you can burn 147 kcal instead of 70 kcal, that is, twice as much. Tempting, right? For this, you can break a 20- or 40-minute walk into 5-minute segments and alternate walking with light jogging.

  • 1–5 - walking at a moderate pace to warm up.
  • 6–10 - Repeat the following cycle five times: 20 seconds of walking, 20 seconds of jogging, 20 seconds of maximum acceleration.
  • 11–12 - walking at an easy pace.
  • 13–17 - repeat the cycle: 20 seconds of walking, 20 seconds of jogging, 20 seconds of maximum acceleration.
  • 18–20 - Finish the workout by walking at an easy pace.

Additional exercises

Cole advises his clients to add additional walking exercises to complete their workout at least three times a week. These include:

  • Plie squats. The buttocks, inner thighs and hamstrings work. It is recommended that you do two sets of 10 reps each.
  • Rise on toes. Stand with your feet together and your toes turned outward at a 45-degree angle. Take a small step to the right and rise on your toes while squeezing your buttocks. Return to the starting position and follow the same step to the left. This is one repetition. It is recommended that you do two sets of 10 reps each.
  • Turns of the body. Stand straight with your legs slightly wider than your shoulders, arms outstretched to the sides. Begin to turn from side to side, while fixing the lower body (the pelvis should not twist together with the body). Recommended to do 20 reps.
  • Bends to the legs. The starting position is the same as when turning the body. Turn the body to the left as much as possible, bend over and try to touch your left foot with your right hand. At the same time, the left hand is extended upward. Return to the starting position and repeat the bend to the right side. It is recommended that you do two sets of 10 reps.
  • Squats with inclines. Stand up straight with your legs slightly wider than your shoulders, toes turned outward at an angle of 45 degrees, hands locked behind your head. Perform a squat and in the bottom position bend to the right, directing the right elbow towards the right knee. Straighten up and return to the starting position. Repeat the same on the left side. It is recommended to do 20 reps (10 bends to each side).
  • Leading the leg back. Stand up straight with your arms extended forward. Bring your right leg back as far as possible, while maintaining a slight forward bend to maintain balance. Hold your leg up for literally a few seconds, then lower it. As soon as your foot touches the floor, pull it back again. It is recommended that you do two sets of 10 reps per leg.
  • Kicking circles. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms out to the sides. Lift your right leg off the floor and take it slightly forward. Perform 10 circular movements with your right leg in a clockwise direction. Then make 10 circular movements with your left foot. It is recommended that you do two sets of 10 reps per leg.

These exercises are advisory in nature, but if you want to get maximum results, then it is better to include them in your workouts on an ongoing basis.
