Table of contents:

How to eat in the fall and winter to stay fit in the spring
How to eat in the fall and winter to stay fit in the spring

Lifehacker tells how to choose the right nutritional strategy in the autumn-winter period to get a body ready for spring drying, as well as the whole truth about L-carnitine, which many for some reason consider a fat burner.

How to eat in the fall and winter to stay fit in the spring
How to eat in the fall and winter to stay fit in the spring

Get well to lose weight

Autumn is in full swing, we put on additional layers of clothing and mentally prepare for the cold. What does all this mean? This means you can relax and get a little fat. Winter is easier to tolerate with fat: a natural heat insulator! However, you need to get fat in moderation. The idea is that the fall-winter period is the time when those who want to get a dry, but muscular body by next spring should "sit on weight".

Mass refers to weight gain. Excess calories, emphasis on strength training. The goal is to gain as much muscle mass as possible by the New Year. At the same time, the fat mass will inevitably increase. This is how the human body works. You can't avoid gaining fat when you build muscle.

After the New Year, when we gain as many muscles as possible, drying begins - the reverse process to mass gain, as a result of which fat will go away, and part of the muscles will inevitably burn with it. The more muscles are accumulated at the time of the beginning of drying, the more of them will be preserved by the end of it. Thus, by the beginning of the t-shirt-beach season, a sexy relief body is obtained, which haters and other lazy weak-willed vegetables envy, trying to compensate for their own inferiority on the Internet.

Keep calm and lift

There are four key factors to the success of body and mind tidying:

  • emotional balance;
  • sports;
  • nutrition;
  • restoration.

It makes no sense to talk about strength training for gaining mass for the thousandth time. It's pretty obvious and simple: more weight, less reps. In physical terms, of course, this is difficult, but from the standpoint of theory it is extremely straightforward. You can easily find the corresponding training programs through the search on Lifehacker, on other specialized sites and YouTube.

Mental balance and recovery are easy too. Healthy moderate indifference, a more conscious approach to life and what is happening around - Lifehacker writes about this every day. Do not get hung up on trifles, do not wind yourself up. Do not make excuses, do not say that it is impossible to change your life. Look for opportunities. By optimizing your life, you will begin to sleep better, namely, the body is restored during sleep.


Nutrition is the most difficult thing, since many do not understand its exceptional importance in achieving results. All your efforts in the gym will be in vain if you do not create a favorable environment for muscle growth in the body.

What is an enabling environment in the context of weight gain? This is a combination of a small excess of calories while observing the protein norm.

"Oh, well, I'm a great calorie specialist!" - the food lovers said now, and they are right. The modern food industry offers incredible high-calorie food. The problem is that these calories are useless. Huge portions of sugar provide a lot of energy, but they are empty in terms of nutritional value, that is, they do not contain anything other than this very energy, and excess carbohydrates are stored in fat.

It is impossible to just overeat sweet and fast food, and not only because of the obvious harm of such food, but also because in addition to calories, you need to get the daily rate of nutrients, vitamins and microelements.

You have a certain pool of calories that allows you to gain mass, and you need to fit everything you need into this pool.

Why is it impossible to stupidly eat up to stomach pain even with healthy food? It is unlikely that you will be satisfied with the result in which out of 20 gained kilograms only three will fall on the muscles. The less fat you put on, the easier it will be to shed it by the spring. At the same time, even those miserable three kilograms of muscle cannot be built up if the protein norm is not observed, which is 1.5-2 grams per kilogram of body weight per day.

The protein problem and its solution

Muscle is made of protein. By consuming protein, our body breaks it down and sends it to build muscle. A simple cycle, but many do not realize how difficult it is to bring the daily intake of this nutrient to the norm, especially if you live the normal life of an ordinary working person.

Protein (also known as protein) is a very expensive product. Meat, fish, cottage cheese are many times more expensive than potatoes and pasta. Only chicken and eggs, it seems, remained available in more or less unlimited quantities to a person with a near-average income.

The high cost situation is aggravated by the fact that for the best effect, protein must enter the body as evenly as possible throughout the day. Therefore, nutritionists recommend breaking up meals, increasing their number to 5-6 per day with a proportional decrease in volume for each meal.

And now, attention, the question: how to fit these meals into your busy work schedule, if you work in for eight or more hours every day? Where can you even find time to cook yourself something protein for the whole day? How to carry all this with you? When there is? Where to reheat?

The inaccessibility of the right food during the day is compensated for, and the point is not only in the simplicity and convenience of using special mixtures, but also in their advantages over traditional food.

The logic is very simple. When you need to quench your thirst, you drink clean water, although you could take a juicy fruit that is also liquid enough. This is obvious and self-explanatory. It's the same with protein shakes. Whenever you need protein, you can go for a pure, natural protein shake that's just what you need and nothing extra.

It is enough to dilute the cocktail in water, juice or milk and drink. That's it, the protein deficiency is closed, no more than a minute of time is spent. No plates, spoons, forks, microwaves for heating, and so on. Fast, convenient, efficient.

Are these cocktails harmful? Not if they have been checked by the relevant supervisory authorities. You may hear the claim that such products are pure chemicals. Most often, this is said by uneducated people who have heard or read something somewhere, believed it and now spread false information about what they do not understand.

Such people are not used to checking information and do not pay attention to the authority of the source. They are too stupid to be able to explain anything to them, but they easily fall for the simplest marketing techniques that manufacturers use. Yes, it is for such people that they write "Does not contain GMOs" on the packaging with table salt. And on bottles with drinking water too.

You can believe in any nonsense, it all depends on the level of ignorance. What is chemistry? Everything in our world is chemistry, because it consists of chemical elements and their compounds. You are chemistry, the author of this text is also chemistry.

The argument that natural is healthier can be easily countered by the fact that protein shakes are made from natural raw materials. In this sense, cocktails are even better, because they are well cleaned of all unnecessary things.

What are protein shakes

The most different. There are many types of protein shakes. They differ in composition, type of protein or proteins used, method of production, packaging, and so on. There is no perfect product, as everyone has different tastes and goals, but there are certain factors to consider when combining sports and work.

Recently, a protein shake has come to the editorial office for the test, which is made with the expectation of convenience in daily use and is as versatile as possible. It is suitable for both women and men, regardless of the type of activity, be it an exercise machine, fitness, running, swimming or something else.

Protein shake Vitime Energy Power + L-Carnitine
Protein shake Vitime Energy Power + L-Carnitine

The full name of the cocktail sounds like Vitime Energy Power + L-Carnitine, but we will return to L-carnitine a little later, but for now we will explain what the general advantages of this mixture are over others.

  1. Convenient packaging. Classic sports nutrition is sold in huge bags and cans, you can't take them with you to work. Inside they just have a powder, often without even a measuring spoon. Vitime Energy Power is pre-packaged. Each box contains five sachets (these are sachets, don't google). Each sachet is one shake serving and will provide the body with an optimal single dose of the protein it needs.
  2. Correct composition. A mixture of three types of protein is used (fast whey, slow casein and medium soy) for the most uniform nutrition of the body with protein for several hours.
  3. Protein isolates are used. Isolate is a highly purified protein concentrate without fat, cholesterol and carbohydrates. In terms of purification, it is second only to hydrolyzate, but the advantages of hydrolysates over isolates have not been proven, but the isolate costs much less, so the final cocktail is much more affordable.
  4. L-carnitine in the composition. And here the seasoned jocks probably had a question: “Stop-stop, isn't L-carnitine a fat burner? Why is he when gaining muscle mass? ".

What is L-carnitine really

L-Carnitine is not a fat burner, but a transporter of adipose tissue into the mitochondria of muscles for conversion into additional energy, which is very useful during intense training.

Simply put, with sufficient intake of L-carnitine, it consumes very little fat, giving more strength and endurance, but if you take more L-carnitine than the body needs, then the effect will not increase. The point of L-carnitine in Vitime Energy Power is to neutralize the lack of this substance in the daily diet so that our body can work 100% as nature intended.

The problem with the norm of L-carnitine is that it is found in meat, fish, dairy products, and most of it is destroyed during heat treatment. Therefore, the main ways to obtain L-carnitine in sufficient quantities are steaming with milk, taken separately in pure form or in a ready-made cocktail like the same Vitime Energy Power.

In addition to providing additional energy for intense training and overall well-being, L-Carnitine also has the following observed effects:

  • Increased resistance and immunity to stress.
  • Detoxification, manifested in the neutralization of organic acids and xenobiotics.
  • Anabolic effect that allows you to build muscle while losing fat. This effect is confirmed experimentally, but not scientifically explained, so we just get enough L-carnitine and rejoice.
  • Reducing the level of bad cholesterol and, as a result, reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. That is, L-carnitine acts as an additional protection for the heart and blood vessels.

We hope that this material will help you choose the right direction for physical development in the autumn-winter period and will push you to a more thorough study of the issues of proper nutrition for muscle growth. Exercise and stay healthy.
