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How to eat and exercise for women pears to stay in shape
How to eat and exercise for women pears to stay in shape

It is important for girls with this type of figure to combine proper nutrition, different types of training and self-massage.

How to eat and exercise for women pears to stay in shape
How to eat and exercise for women pears to stay in shape

If you are the owner of a fragile top and a voluminous bottom, your body type is "pear". Despite the femininity of the forms, such a figure often brings chagrin. Any extra kilogram turns into "ears" on the pope or cellulite, even in pretty slender girls. And after giving birth, it becomes completely offensive: the size of the bra is the same, but you can't fit into your favorite jeans. We will show you what to do to get rid of excess fat.

Common mistakes to avoid

With cellulite and "ears" will not be able to cope with one diet. Only a combination of regular exercise and proper nutrition will help you lose weight. Some people manage to lose weight after hunger strikes, but loose and loose skin remains, problems with hair, nails, mood and memory appear.

Miracle shorts or miracle creams will not help to lose weight either. Just remember, they don't work.

If you decide to include massage of problem areas in your work on the body, keep in mind that it helps only at the stage when the process of fat burning has already begun. And that's why.

Losing weight occurs due to the breakdown of fats. But they are not deposited evenly throughout the body, but are collected in certain places. For example, for girls with a pear shape, these are the hips. Now imagine that the process of losing weight is the melting of snow in the spring. Where will the drifts disappear first? Of course, where there is a thin layer of snow, for example on paths and roofs. It will stay for the longest time where the janitors have been collecting it in a heap all winter, clearing the roads.

So it is with fat in the body. Its most of all on the hips, "ears", sides, abdomen. There is very little fat on the face, chest and back. So be patient. First, the face and chest will lose weight, and only then the priest and sides.

When the excess fat is almost gone, you can again remember about the wipers and use their clever tricks: break the remaining "snowdrift" with a massage. But massage without sports and proper nutrition is like trying to loosen the snow when there is cold and huge snowdrifts around: it makes no sense.


In order for the body to take energy from fat stores, which make up cellulite, breeches on the hips and bolsters over the knees, you must consume fewer calories than you spend. But it is important not to be hungry, otherwise the body will go into an energy-saving mode and the effect will be the opposite.

You need to eat 5-6 times a day: three main meals and 2-3 light snacks. Proteins in the diet should be at least 1 g per 1 kg of body weight, the ratio of BJU is approximately 30/30/40. It is this regime that accelerates metabolism, prevents the accumulation of fat due to stress from constant surges in blood glucose, and a sufficient amount of protein allows muscles to form.

Fat cells are 80% filled with water. Simple carbohydrates contribute to fluid retention in the body. Therefore, the first remedy for cellulite will be the rejection of sweet and starchy foods in favor of complex carbohydrates: cereals, bread and pasta made from whole grain flour, fiber-rich vegetables.

Burning fat

Many "pears" think that in training it is enough to load only the hips and buttocks, and are disappointed when this approach does not give the desired effect. But it is impossible to lose weight in any one area. The process of burning fat is tied to the release of special hormones and lipolytics into the blood - substances that break down fat. Blood spreads throughout the body evenly, fat stores melt.

Since there is the most fat on the hips and buttocks, this is where it will be used up last.

You have to train actively, not sit still, move and waste energy. This is the only way to break down fat reserves.

Circuit strength training provokes muscle growth, and this requires a solid expenditure of energy. Cardio, in addition to actively burning calories and accelerating blood flow, tones the cardiovascular system.

The result depends on the initial data, but usually it takes 3 to 8 months to burn fat on the hips in women with a pear shape. The main thing is to be patient and not wait for instant results.


The ideal regimen for building a toned figure is three strength and 2-3 cardio workouts per week. Strength training builds muscles, and cardio helps you burn fat for a beautiful relief.

Strength training should consist of 70% of basic exercises for the main muscle groups and 30% of isolating exercises, which point individual muscles. The basic ones include squats, lunges, dumbbell or barbell rows, push-ups. Isolation exercises are dumbbell swings, breeding, or flattening.

Cardio can be done on an elliptical or stationary bike, stepper, in the pool, under video training with exercises without jumping. It is not the speed that is important here, but the pulse.

The most creative part of training for women with a pear figure is to hone the beautiful proportions and balance the heavy bottom with the developed upper muscles.

To do this, you need to include in your workout:

  • push-ups for the muscles of the chest;
  • overhead dumbbell press to expand the shoulder girdle;
  • pull-ups with wide arms, dumbbell or barbell rows to the belt in the slope for the back muscles.

At the same time, it is important to gradually increase the weight so that the muscles do not have time to adapt. This is what will make them grow.

It is important not to forget about the lower body. Add variety to your workouts in the form of isolation exercises: swing with weights, swing with a dumbbell under the knee, glute bridge.


Massage will help to combat pits and bumps on the thinning hips. It improves blood circulation and lymph flow in problem areas, helps to break down fat and quickly remove toxic products of this decay. The skin from regular massage becomes denser, smoother and more elastic.

You can buy special massagers, vacuum cans, or even use a rolling pin wrapped in plastic wrap. It is important to follow the correct technique: do not touch the inner side of the thigh, where the lymph nodes are located, massage from the bottom up, and the buttocks also from the inside out. This should be done before persistent redness appears.


  • Without proper nutrition, exercise won't help. Fasting doesn't work either.
  • Local weight loss is a myth. Fat from problem areas below the belt will be the last to leave.
  • Burning fat alone is not enough. A beautiful figure is developed muscles.
  • To change the body type to "hourglass", you need to work on the proportions: to develop the shoulder girdle, pectoral muscles and back muscles.
  • Self-massage is useful to combat cellulite. But without training and normal nutrition, he will not solve the problem.
  • Missing one part - nutrition, strength training, cardio, massage, or patience - will markedly reduce the overall effect. For everything to work, you need to put together five elements.
