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Is it possible to lose weight in certain places
Is it possible to lose weight in certain places

In some places, which are often called problematic, fat accumulates especially quickly and in large quantities. Lifehacker explains whether it is possible to remove fat from these places, and leave the rest of the layer intact.

Is it possible to lose weight in certain places
Is it possible to lose weight in certain places

Why does fat accumulate in certain places?

The largest number of fat cells, lipocytes, is located on the abdomen, thighs and buttocks - these places in the process of evolution were chosen as a fat depot. Therefore, with an excess of calories, fat first of all accumulates in these places, and when losing weight, it leaves there last.

Why do women accumulate more fat in the buttocks and thighs?

This is due to hormones. Thanks to estrogen in women of childbearing age, fat in these places is stored in case of pregnancy and breastfeeding. During hunger during lactation, fat from the thighs is easily broken down, giving off nutrients, and the fat layer in the breast, on the contrary, increases. When the age of childbearing passes and the amount of estrogen drops, women begin to accumulate belly fat.

Why does the body need to store belly fat?

The mechanism of fat storage was an advantage during the lean times of human history. With an excess of calories, fat accumulates both under the skin and around the internal organs (visceral fat). When there is a calorie deficit during lipolysis, fat gives up fatty acids that can be used by muscles as fuel. Moreover, in visceral fat, lipolysis processes occur much more intensively, that is, internal fat serves as the best source of energy in times of famine.

And if you pump the abs hard, will it help to drive fat from the belly?

Abs exercises increase the rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen, keep them in good shape, but in no way help to reduce the amount of fat.

To start the process of breaking down fat, the body must receive a command from lipolytic hormones: adrenaline, glucagon, cortisol and others. These hormones are released into the bloodstream, reach the fat cells and initiate the lipolysis process. It is impossible to stop blood flow and increase the influence of hormones in a specific place - they affect fat cells throughout the body, both in problem areas and elsewhere.

How, then, to remove fat from problem areas?

To get rid of fat on the belly, flanks, thighs and elsewhere, you need to create a calorie deficit so that the lipolysis process starts and the fat stores can be used as fuel. To do this, you need to go on a diet, reducing the number of calories consumed, and add physical activity, increasing energy expenditure.

And if you wrap your stomach and thighs with cling film or a special belt, this will help you burn fat faster?

No, this is absolutely ineffective and even harmful. Film and warm belts increase perspiration, which makes you lose more moisture, but this does not affect the amount of fat in any way. At the same time, profuse sweating can lead to dehydration, with all the negative effects of this condition.

A bath and massage will not help either?

Bath, massage, body wraps and rubbing - all these measures accelerate blood circulation, and at the same time, the delivery of lipolytic hormones to fat cells. However, the released fatty acids must be used by the body - for example, for physical activity or building new cells - otherwise they will be deposited back into fat stores. Therefore, a bath, massage and other measures will be ineffective without diet and exercise.
