Why is it so important to strengthen the muscles of the foot
Why is it so important to strengthen the muscles of the foot
Why is it so important to strengthen the muscles of the foot
Why is it so important to strengthen the muscles of the foot

We often say that the stability of your body is very important in running, therefore, in addition to running exercises, it is imperative to strengthen the muscles of the core and hips, which are responsible for stability. A lot of attention is paid to working on the knees and ankles, but few people pay attention to the foot itself.

Recently there was a rather interesting article in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, in which a group of scientists raised the question of the importance of stabilizing the foot and working on the small muscles that form the "core of the legs." We thought it was worth sharing!

Our foot is made up of large and small muscles that are arranged in layers. There are large muscles that run through the entire foot from the ankle. They are responsible for most of the movement of the foot, and it is on their strengthening that we focus. But besides them, there are 11 more small ones, which are located a little deeper in the foot. They help stabilize the body when the foot hits the ground and take off while running. They also deform to absorb and store energy in the middle of the stance and support the arch of the foot.


What happens if you have a weak core of your leg? The lower leg has four layers of muscle that support the arch of the foot. If these muscles are weak, then the load will go to the plantar fascia. Therefore, if you want to get rid of or prevent plantar fasciitis, you definitely need to strengthen the internal muscles of the foot. Everything in the body is connected, and weak soles can lead to abnormal movements that ultimately result in knee problems.

There are several standard exercises to strengthen the foot. For example, crushing a small towel with your feet: you drag the towel across the floor using solely the muscles in your foot. Or "marble pickups" - raising marble balls from the floor with the feet. But these exercises involve mainly the large muscles of the foot, practically without affecting the small ones.

The study authors suggest other exercises. Place your foot on the floor in a neutral position, and then squeeze it using the inner muscles of the arch of the foot. At the same time, try to make sure that your fingers remain flat on the floor. You can start doing them while sitting in a chair, then complicate and do it while standing, then on one leg.

We did a similar exercise during stretching training: sitting on the floor with your legs straight, you try to bend your foot so that an arc forms, but your toes should be protruded towards you.

Another option is minimalistic running shoes or barefoot jogging. The first positive changes will be noticeable after four months: the foot will become slightly shorter, the arch of the foot will rise. It is these changes that show that the muscles are truly stronger. Another benefit is the increased sensory sensitivity of the foot. It also plays an important role in building resilience.
