Workout of the day to help you work out a slice of pizza or ice cream
Workout of the day to help you work out a slice of pizza or ice cream

With this kind of stress, you can indulge yourself in something delicious without feeling guilty.

Workout of the day to help you work out a slice of pizza or ice cream
Workout of the day to help you work out a slice of pizza or ice cream

This workout takes only 16 minutes, but during this time you will have time to sweat properly, load a lot of muscle groups and spend about 160-180 kcal.

Moreover, due to the intensive format, you will continue to expend calories intensively after class, so that a piece of delicious muffin or a glass of dessert will not add extra fat to you.

The workout consists of four exercises:

  1. "Legs together - legs apart" in the support lying with a touch of the shoulders.
  2. Squat jumps with twisting of the body and bringing the knee to the elbow.
  3. Goblet squat with a 180 degree turn.
  4. Running with a high hip lift and reaching the bar.

Perform each point for 30 seconds, rest the rest of the minute and start the next movement. When you finish the last exercise, stop for the prescribed 30 seconds and repeat all over again. Complete four circles.

If the load is not enough, you can change the format to 40/20 or 45/15 - work for 40–45 seconds, and rest for only 15–20 seconds. In this case, you will spend even more calories, but be careful: if you have problems with the cardiovascular system or a lot of excess weight, such a high intensity can be harmful.
