Scientists have proven: 24-hour fasting speeds up metabolism
Scientists have proven: 24-hour fasting speeds up metabolism

Good news for those looking to stay slim and healthy.

Scientists have proven: 24-hour fasting speeds up metabolism
Scientists have proven: 24-hour fasting speeds up metabolism

There is a fairly high probability that you are currently thinking about food. You may be trying to decide which dish to cook for dinner. Or maybe you are thinking about a delicious lunch or are going to give up food for a while.

If you're thinking about the latter, know this: Researchers at MIT have discovered Fasting boosts stem cells' regenerative capacity interesting facts about fasting. In the course of the experiment, the scientists found that if the mice were not fed for 24 hours, then they accelerated the regeneration of stem cells, which are responsible for the renewal of the intestinal epithelium.

The fact is that as we age, stem cells lose their ability to quickly restore worn-out organ tissues. And this negatively affects the state of the whole organism.

The researchers found that fasting for the day accelerated the recovery of intestinal stem cells in half. As it turned out, cells began to draw energy by breaking down fatty acids instead of glucose. At the same time, a gene responsible for fat metabolism was activated in them. Of course, human trials still need to be done, but the results of such an experiment are likely to be positive. Mouse stem cells are not very different from ours.

If you don't trust diets, trust the science: fasting for a day can significantly speed up your metabolism. See Jimmy Kimmel and Benedict Cumberbatch. They stay in good shape due to occasional short-term refusal to eat.

Fasting diets existed before this study. One of them is called simply - 5: 2. In short, for five days you eat as usual, and for two days you severely restrict yourself on calories.

Perhaps this method is not suitable for diabetics and people with metabolic diseases. In this case, it is best to consult with your doctor and try a less extreme diet. However, the results achieved with fasting are truly impressive.
