Guide to the main areas of yoga
Guide to the main areas of yoga

Do you think that there is little drive in yoga? Or maybe you have enough sport in life, but lack the spiritual aspect? Or do you just want to improve your wellbeing effortlessly? Yoga offers many directions for different tasks. Our guide will guide you through the basics in order to choose the one that best suits your needs.

Guide to the main areas of yoga
Guide to the main areas of yoga


The most common yoga style. As a rule, it is recommended for beginners, as it includes versatile work both on the body and on the mind: asanas, breathing exercises (pranayama), relaxation and meditation. At the same time, there is no need to delve into the religious aspect of yoga. Hatha yoga classes first of all change the inner world of a person: a deeper sense of the body allows you to better control your thoughts. Hatha yoga is a basic style, and different levels make it accessible to all skill levels.

Focus: the spine as the center of the body, which determines the general condition of the body.

Hatha yoga
Hatha yoga

Ashtanga Vinyasa

A dynamic yoga style suitable for more advanced learners. All asanas are performed in a strict sequence. The transition to the next asana is carried out through vinyasa - exercises that are aimed at warming up and preparing the body.

This style is quite tough and yet very popular, especially among those who are more focused on the physical aspect. Ashtanga is great for such purposes as strengthening the muscle corset, burning fat and detoxifying the body.

Focus: focusing on specific points of the body purifies the mind, while asanas strengthen the body.

Ashtanga Vinyasa
Ashtanga Vinyasa

Iyengar yoga

Static, but gentle enough yoga style. The main goal of Iyengar yoga is a detailed adjustment of asanas with a gradual deepening. For this purpose, a variety of equipment is used: bricks, tapes, rollers. Due to a long stay in the pose, the therapeutic effect is enhanced: here not only muscles, ligaments and joints are worked out, but also internal organs are massaged. And the long-term performance of asanas allows you to achieve even greater calmness and harmony.

Focus: uniform stretching of the body, due to which symmetry is achieved, including at a deep energy level.

Iyengar yoga
Iyengar yoga


Kundalini is focused more on rejuvenation and healing. This is a deeper practice that includes a religious aspect: chanting of mantras, pranayama, asanas and meditation. Chakras are also kundalini: the awakening of energy begins at the base of the spine and moves upward, right up to the very crown and the seventh transcendental chakra, which is responsible for the feeling of harmony and oneness with the Divine.

Focus: breathing techniques that are designed to properly direct energy flows.



It is focused specifically on the spiritual aspect. There are no asanas or pranayamas, but there is chanting of mantras. In fact, it is similar to reading prayers. Mantra yoga has no therapeutic purpose, although, of course, there is still a similar effect. However, it is achieved from the other side: from mind to body.

Focus: a special combination of mantra sounds affects the energy state and is often aimed at achieving a specific goal, for example, increasing concentration or deep relaxation.

Other types of yoga

There are many offshoots of the main yoga styles that use a different sequence of exercises and have a slightly different philosophy, which is based on the beliefs of a particular teacher. But at this level, yoga is no longer just fitness, but a deep spiritual practice, which implies a certain way of life: a regimen, diet, regular meditation.

There are yoga options that differ in the conditions of the classes. For example, Bikram Yoga is practiced in a hot, humid environment and burns more fat. And acro and steam yoga allow you to practice with a partner.

Acro and steam yoga
Acro and steam yoga

Yoga pays special attention to the fingers: mudras also allow you to influence the body, albeit without active movements.

One way or another, the main styles - hatha, ashtanga vinyasa, Iyengar yoga, kundalini and mantra - allow you to get acquainted with all aspects of yoga at a basic level. Perhaps, if you still didn't like yoga, you just didn't find your style.
