Table of contents:

How to recognize diathesis and what to do with it
How to recognize diathesis and what to do with it

This skin irritation can be a harbinger of hay fever and asthma.

How to recognize diathesis and what to do with it
How to recognize diathesis and what to do with it

They talk about diathesis when they see red irritated cheeks in children. However, in fact, this term implies a slightly different condition - more serious.

What is diathesis and how dangerous it is

Translated from the Greek "diathesis" means "inclination", "predisposition". With this word, doctors denote what atopic dermatitis is, an innate predisposition of the body to the development of various pathological conditions: allergic diseases, respiratory infections, convulsive syndrome and others.

The most common type of diathesis is allergic (atopic), and it manifests itself primarily in skin inflammations - eczema. That is why for a long time the doctors of the USSR, and then the Russian Federation, called allergic skin lesions diathesis - what is called atopic dermatitis in modern evidence-based medicine.

Basically, diathesis is an outdated name for atopic dermatitis.

As a condition called diathesis suggests, atopic dermatitis is just one manifestation of an innate tendency to allergies. This type of eczema is part of the so-called atopic triad, which, in addition to it, includes two other allergic diseases - bronchial asthma and hay fever (seasonal allergies).

If a child has diathesis, with age, he may develop Atopic dermatitis (eczema) and other elements of the triad.

How to recognize diathesis

The main symptom of Atopic dermatitis (eczema) of atopic dermatitis is areas of reddened, inflamed skin. Most often they appear:

  • On the cheeks. Usually in this way diathesis manifests itself in young children.
  • On the hands.
  • In the bends of the knees and elbows.
  • On the ankle.
  • In the area of the upper chest and neck.

But diathesis manifests itself differently, especially in adults. Allergy-affected areas of the skin may not stand out in color, but look too dry, become covered with scales and painful cracks, and itch a lot.

Fortunately, this condition is never permanent. Diathesis appears and disappears - sometimes for several years.

Where does diathesis come from?

The global cause of atopic dermatitis is the genetics of Atopic dermatitis (eczema). The body of a specific person, predisposed to allergies, is designed in such a way that it reacts too energetically to certain stimuli.

Such "allergenic" irritants for people prone to atopic dermatitis are most often:

  • Poor hygiene. Skin condition can deteriorate dramatically if sweat and dirt are not washed off in time.
  • Unsuitable detergents. Perfumed soap, washing powder, dishwashing detergent can provoke atopic dermatitis.
  • Lack of moisture. Wind, frost, too low air humidity in the room can dry out the epidermis.
  • Some products. In infants and young children, diathesis often occurs after eating certain foods, including eggs, milk, soy, and wheat.
  • Stress. For example, in children, diathesis may exacerbate against the background of fear, nervous strain, bad relationships in the family or school.

How to treat diathesis

Medicines for diathesis - such that the pill is eaten and the skin immediately becomes healthy, there is no Atopic dermatitis (eczema). As a rule, atopic dermatitis is treated symptomatically with hypoallergenic moisturizers that help the epidermis to heal.

The doctor - pediatrician, therapist, dermatologist or allergist will tell you which remedy to choose. And the same doctor will prescribe more serious prescription drugs if the dermatitis develops complications. It can be:

  • Corticosteroid cream or ointment. These drugs reduce itching if it is too strong and ruins your life.
  • Creams that suppress skin immunity. They help to make the allergic reaction less severe.
  • Antibiotic ointments. They are indicated if a bacterial infection has occurred due to scratched wounds or cracks in the skin.
  • Corticosteroid pills. They are prescribed if the inflammatory process has become too strong.

In some cases, if the doctor suspects that the diathesis is caused by stress, you may be referred to a psychotherapist.

How to prevent diathesis

It will not work to get rid of the congenital tendency to allergic reactions in general and atopic dermatitis in particular. But there are several ways Atopic dermatitis (eczema) can reduce the risk of flare-ups.

Take good care of your hygiene

Avoid situations in which sweat and dust accumulate on your skin for a long time.

Take a bath or shower for no longer than 10-15 minutes

When doing this, use warm, not hot, water.

Use only hypoallergenic soap

For example, for children. Deodorized or antibacterial cleansers aggressively wash away sebum and make your skin drier.

Moisturize your skin at least twice a day

It is best to apply moisturizer to slightly damp (not wet!) Skin immediately after bathing.

Try to identify the factors that make your condition worse

Maybe skin irritation occurs after you get nervous? Or forget to wear gloves on a cold day? Or maybe diathesis makes itself felt when you eat citrus fruits, chocolate or, say, cheese? If you can find annoying factors, avoid them.
