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6 ways to speed up your metabolism that even lazy people and sweet tooth can do
6 ways to speed up your metabolism that even lazy people and sweet tooth can do

Eat chocolate, have dinner after eight, and do other things that will help you lose weight.

6 ways to speed up your metabolism that even lazy people and sweet tooth can do
6 ways to speed up your metabolism that even lazy people and sweet tooth can do

To lose weight, all you need is to speed up your metabolism. This stereotype exists among those who have set themselves the goal of getting rid of extra pounds. And the thesis is partly correct: the more actively the body processes food into energy, the easier it is to evaporate excess fat from the surface of the body.

On the other hand, metabolism is a complex, highly individual and not fully understood thing, not always amenable to effective correction.

However, there is still a chance to temporarily boost metabolism.

1. Eat dark chocolate

Many people know that chocolate with a high (from 70%) cocoa content is excellent for coping with stress. But it turns out that this is not all the magic that lies in the chocolate bar.

Scientists have found Metabolic Effects of Dark Chocolate Consumption on Energy, Gut Microbiota, and Stress-Related Metabolism in Free-Living Subjects: it is enough to eat 40 grams of this cocoa product daily - and in two weeks your metabolism will get a decent boost.

In particular, this occurs due to the normalization of cell sensitivity to insulin Effects of chocolate, cocoa, and flavan-3-ols on cardiovascular health: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials. As a result, the body is more actively converting food into energy, rather than fat.

2. Spend a minimum of time in sports

A 10-15 minute vigorous workout is often more effective in terms of boosting your metabolism than an hour's jogging or some thoughtful yoga of the same duration.

High-Intensity Interval Training has long been popular in the United States. These are exercises in which short periods of maximum activity are interspersed with short periods of rest.

Quickly and quickly squeezed out of the floor 20 times - rested 20 seconds - again squeezed out 20 times. I jumped over the rope for a minute at maximum speed - I rested for 15 seconds - again a minute of jumping. 4–5 such cycles once a day (or even once every couple of days) is enough for the metabolism to accelerate significantly in two weeks. Regular Sprints Boost Metabolism.

The reasons for the acceleration are different. In particular, the assimilation of lipids and glucose improves. High-intensity interval training and calorie restriction promote remodeling of glucose and lipid metabolism in diet-induced obesity - those "building blocks" from which, if they are not absorbed, fat is formed. In addition, the body gets used to consuming more oxygen from High-Intensity Interval Training, the main fat burner. Because of this, the consumption of calories after a short but intense workout increases sharply and for a long time (for a period from a couple of hours to a day). Speaking of oxygen …

3. Breathe deeply

Sometimes you read about the next diet - and you just want to breathe. And it is right! Deep breathing is a much more effective way to lose weight Jumpstart Your Metabolism: How to Lose Weight by Changing the Way You Breathe than strict dietary restrictions (in general, strict diets are more likely to force you to gain weight than lose weight, and Lifehacker has already written about this).

And the logic is simple: the deeper you breathe, the more oxygen enters the bloodstream and the more actively the process of processing food, including fats and sugar, into energy goes on Reproducibility study for free-breathing measurements of pyruvate metabolism using hyperpolarized (13) C in the heart …

4. Drink cold water

Everyone who is losing weight has probably heard: if you drink a glass of water 20-30 minutes before a meal, you will eat less. But did you know that if you drink water straight from the refrigerator, it will at least double the effect?

Cold water will not only fill your stomach (which means you will feel full), but will also force the body to spend extra calories for warming. Half a liter of such water - and the metabolic rate will increase Water-induced thermogenesis by 30%. Until you get warm.

5. Eat before bed

From the point of view of those seeking to maintain or lose weight, this sounds blasphemous. But scientists from the University of Florida discovered The Effect of Casein Protein Prior to Sleep on Fat Metabolism in Obese Men: a light snack before bedtime can improve nighttime metabolism, in particular, activate fat processing.

The study was conducted with the participation of obese men, and, of course, needs to be double-checked on more average people, but it still makes sense to take its results into account.

Yes! A light snack in this context is a portion of no more than 150 kcal with a predominance of protein.

6. Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep is a sure way to slow down your metabolism Sleep and Metabolism: An Overview and gain weight. In particular, sleep deprivation dramatically lowers levels of leptin, an important hormone that regulates energy intake and appetite.

In order not to put sticks in the wheels of your own metabolism, try to get enough sleep regularly and properly. Remember, this is just as important for weight loss as regular exercise and a balanced diet.
