To do household chores efficiently, set a timer
To do household chores efficiently, set a timer

If you are one of those who easily and calmly maintain order at home, this article is not for you. Well, if you constantly postpone household chores, and then are afraid to approach them, try this method.

To do household chores efficiently, set a timer
To do household chores efficiently, set a timer

Household chores can be depressing, especially when they pile up. The next time you need to take on a hated business, turn on the timer. This is not done to drive oneself.

With a timer, you will see how little time is actually spent on an unpleasant task.

And maybe you will understand that this is not such a torture as you thought before.

There are small things that we are too lazy to do. For example, to hang outerwear on a hanger when entering an apartment. It's much easier to throw it on a chair and not waste time. But with a timer, you will notice that just such a maintenance of order takes very little time.

Of course, there are responsibilities that you can't handle in 5 or 10 minutes. But a timer will help with them too. Cleaning an entire apartment in one go is very tedious. Instead, alternate 20 minute cleaning intervals with 10 minute breaks. The result is a lazier version of the Pomodoro method. Taking breaks will keep you from getting too tired, and you will notice progress with each cleaning interval.

When you see how much you can do in 20 minutes, you stop thinking about all-or-nothing cleaning.

Plus, the timer will help you get started when you're too lazy to do things. Put it on for 10 minutes and promise yourself not to waste another minute. After all, you can endure 10 minutes. You will most likely finish even before the timer beep sounds.
