Stretching for those who sit a lot
Stretching for those who sit a lot

Flexibility in the hamstrings and hamstrings is important for the health of the back, hips and knees, and during prolonged sitting, these parts of the body are almost constantly in a static and often uncomfortable position. Here are six simple stretching exercises to help you get rid of the discomfort after a long time on the couch.

Stretching for those who sit a lot
Stretching for those who sit a lot

In order not to harm the muscles, ligaments and tendons, it is recommended to perform this complex after a slight warm-up.

Vertical crease

Vertical crease
Vertical crease

A downward bend from a standing position with upwardly locked hands stretches the back of the thighs together with the hamstrings well and relaxes the shoulder girdle.


Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your back and locked in a lock. From this position, tilt downward, trying to reach with the crown of your feet and at the same time keeping your knees straight. Hands, clasped in the lock, are taken as far as possible behind the back. You should stretch your belly towards your hips, as is done in a standard fold, and try not to hunch your back.

Once in the most accessible position for you, relax your back and neck, put your hands as far behind your back as possible and bend your knees slightly. Hold this position for 30 seconds and slowly straighten up.



This exercise can be done anywhere and is safe for anyone with any back problems. "Scissors" is a good option if you feel that the back of your thighs is completely wooden.


Stand up straight with your feet together. Then take your left leg back about 60 cm and begin to slowly bend towards your right leg, keeping your back and both legs straight. As soon as you feel a pull in the hamstring, stop and hold this position for 30 seconds. Then return to the starting position and repeat the bend towards the other leg.

Standing stretch

Standing stretch
Standing stretch

If the previous stretch did not relax the tendons and muscles enough, you can try this advanced exercise. Usually it is performed on a bench (or on a parapet) after a run, but as a stretch after sitting at a table for a long time, it will also come off.


Stand up straight, put one heel on a dais (bench, curb, chair, sofa, low fence, and so on). The raised leg should be straight, the foot pointed towards you. Then begin to bend towards the extended leg, avoiding bending in the lower back and keeping the leg straight at the knee, that is, you should stretch your belly towards the hip and your chest towards the knee. Hold in the highest position possible for you for 30 seconds and switch legs.

Modified Barrier Stretch

Modified Barrier Stretch
Modified Barrier Stretch


Sit on the floor and extend your left leg in front of you. The right leg is bent at the knee and set aside as if you were about to sit in the lotus position, that is, the sole should practically touch the inner thigh of the left leg. Now begin to slowly lean forward, keeping your back straight. As in all previous options, you should reach for the thigh of the outstretched leg with your stomach, and your chest for the knee.

Hold in the maximum position possible for you for 30 seconds, return to the starting position and change legs. If the tension in the hamstring was too strong, you can relax the knee of the working leg and shake it slightly.

Forward bend with a rounded back

Forward bend with a rounded back
Forward bend with a rounded back

This option stretches both the back of the thighs and the lower back well.


Sit on the floor with your legs together and straight. Lean forward, gently rounding your back, but not bending your knees. Hold this position for 30 seconds and return to the starting position.

With each new tilt, you can stay in the lower position longer, and each time it will be easier and easier to bend lower.

Stretching lying

Stretching lying
Stretching lying

This is an option for the lazy.;)


Lie on your back, one leg is straight, the other is lifted up as much as possible, but at the same time the pelvis should remain pressed to the floor, knees are straight, the toe of the raised leg is directed towards you, and the heel is looking at the ceiling. Grasp the thigh of the raised leg with your hands - your back should remain on the floor, like your head - and slowly pull your leg towards you. Hold in the maximum position for 30 seconds, return to the starting position and repeat the same with the other leg.

If you want to stretch better, you can use a towel or a special yoga belt: throwing it over your heel, pull your leg towards you by the foot.


1. Three easy yoga stretching options

They will help relax and stretch your hips and hamstrings.

2. Massage and stretching

This video shows a tennis ball massage on the back of the thigh and a standing stretch. Remember, the higher you lift your leg, the harder it will be to reach for it.

3.20 minutes of yoga

This option will take a little more time, but it will bring much more benefits. Plus 20 minutes isn't that long, is it?

Instead of a special yoga pillow, a sofa is quite suitable.
