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How to make the perfect French press coffee
How to make the perfect French press coffee

Coffee brewed in a French press turns out to be more tasty and aromatic than when brewed through filter bags. On the other hand, such coffee can be bitter and contain small particles of beans. Fortunately, you can easily get rid of the minuses and keep all the pluses of the drink.

How to make the perfect French press coffee
How to make the perfect French press coffee

Making coffee in a French press is not only convenient and simple - you get a delicious drink. The reason the coffee brewed in this way has such a rich taste is because the ground coffee has been in contact with water for a long time. Coffee oils have enough time to mix with water, due to which the strength and bright taste of the drink is achieved. At the same time, coffee floating in water creates a problem: small particles seep through the mesh and spoil the texture of the drink. In addition, they can make the coffee too strong.

Two simple rules

To solve this problem, you just need to remember about two features of the technology of brewing coffee in a French press.

1. Do not lower the plunger or cover the French press with a lid immediately after pouring boiling water over the coffee. Grain particles should swim in water for a few minutes in order to brew properly.

2. Before lowering the plunger, remove any dripping coffee particles from the surface of the water. This is a very important point, because it is because of them that coffee can turn out to be bitter and cloudy.

Of course, the grind, roast and brewing time also affect the taste of coffee, but if you have a good coffee, it will be a pity to spoil it with the wrong brewing. In addition, adherence to these subtleties does not require absolutely any effort, and the difference in taste is very noticeable.
