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How to choose the perfect Christmas tree
How to choose the perfect Christmas tree

A natural tree will not crumble on the very first day, and an artificial one will not stink.

How to choose the perfect Christmas tree
How to choose the perfect Christmas tree

How to choose a natural tree

An ordinary spruce is considered a traditional New Year tree. But before the holidays, you will also find pine and fir in the bazaars.

Many people prefer pine in the first place because of the low price. Pine, unlike spruce, has thin and long needles. Therefore, it looks fluffier and less prickly. Pine tends to crumble more slowly than spruce and has a stronger coniferous aroma, which is accompanied by an active release of sticky resin. This can cause some inconvenience.

Fir is considered the most expensive New Year tree. She has rather long and lush needles of a rich green color, which, moreover, almost do not prick. Therefore, decorating this tree is a pleasure. Fir also lives at home longer than spruce and pine. It hardly crumbles.

But even this seemingly perfect New Year tree has a drawback. Fir has a very faint needles smell compared to the rest. So don't forget to buy a fragrance.


Spruce. Image: Ascyrafft Adnan / Pixabay


Pine. Image: Zdeněk Chalupský / Pixabay


Fir. Image: JacLou DL / Pixabay

Despite some differences, all these trees are called Christmas trees. And the principles of their choice do not differ.

1. Buy on time

On this issue, people have split into two camps. Some believe that a live Christmas tree should be placed closer to the holiday, not earlier than December 27. Otherwise, the tree simply won't make it to the old New Year.

Others are sure: you shouldn't put it off until later. The fact is that trees are cut down about a month before the New Year. And after that, they are stored in the cold, without water and any replenishment. Therefore, it is better to immediately take your spruce home.

Both there and there have their own truth, but we still advise you to take care of buying a Christmas tree in advance. The closer the holiday, the less choice. And one more thing: plan your Christmas tree shopping in the morning. You will need good daylight illumination.

2. Use a tape measure

How to choose a spruce: use a tape measure
How to choose a spruce: use a tape measure

Before going to the bazaar, measure the space that you can give away for the tree. Write down the parameters and take a tape measure with you. It is not worth hoping that you can determine the dimensions by eye. A tree that is too small can get lost among the interior items, and too large will rest its crown on the ceiling or just look bulky and inappropriate.

3. Find the nearest Christmas tree market

The Christmas tree bazaar is an affordable and at the same time quite reliable place. In big cities, hundreds of outlets open before the holidays. Bazaars begin to work no later than December 20, and close a few hours before the chimes. Therefore, you will definitely have time to walk through the rows.

It is better to choose the nearest retail outlet because the safest way is to bring the tree to the apartment on your own, without using transport.

You can take a chance and use online services. For example, on the website, you can see a detailed description of the New Year tree, photos and a video review, as well as arrange for courier delivery or self-pickup.

4. Pay attention to the trunk

How to choose a tree: pay attention to the trunk
How to choose a tree: pay attention to the trunk

So, you took your measurements and ended up at the Christmas tree bazaar. There are dozens of trees around you. The first thing you should pay attention to is the barrel. It shouldn't be too thin. For a medium spruce, pine or fir with a height of 1.5–2 m, the minimum diameter is 6 cm.

There should be no mold or dark spots on the bark. But the presence of resin, on the contrary, is a good sign. This is an indicator of the quality and health of the tree.

5. Smell the tree

A healthy tree should have a pronounced pine aroma. If at the bazaar you are already accustomed to this smell and do not feel it, then take a few needles and knead them in your hands. If the smell is not felt in this case, it is better to walk past such a tree.

6. Pay attention to the color

How to choose a tree: pay attention to the color
How to choose a tree: pay attention to the color

Deep green color, bluish tint are signs of a quality wood. But yellow and orange indicate that the tree is old and dehydrated. This is unlikely to crumble before the New Year holidays.

7. Iron the needles

Swipe your hand through the twig. If the needles are not left in your fingers, this is a good sign. And yes, you shouldn't be hurt. The needles of a healthy tree are soft and elastic.

8. Bend the branch

The strength of the branches is just as important as the freshness of the tree itself. The weak simply cannot withstand the weight of the toys and will sink under their weight.

Do not be afraid of the sidelong glances of sellers, take one branch and bend it a little. Like needles, it must be elastic. If it breaks, the test fails.

Also pay special attention to the lower branches, they should be directed upwards.

And a few more tips

  1. Be careful when transporting. Immediately after purchase, tie the tree with ropes, cover it with a cloth or bag and carry it home. If you can't do without a car, then a small trunk or a back seat will not work here. Better to transport the tree on the roof of the car.
  2. Never bring a tree from the street directly into a warm room. This temperature difference is destructive. Better to leave the tree at the entrance for a while.
  3. You need to bring the Christmas tree into the apartment in front of the top. This is not a popular omen, you just won't break anything.
  4. Do not put live spruce near the radiator, fireplace, or in general to any heat source. This will dry out the wood and the needles will drop faster than you expected.
  5. Take care of the tree. Place it in a bucket of water or soil and spray the crown to keep the needles fresh and fragrant as long as possible.

How to choose an artificial tree

This option has a lot of advantages. First, an artificial tree with the right approach will serve you for more than one year. It is much more economical than buying a living tree annually. Secondly, your conscience will be clear, because in this way you do not harm the environment at all. And the most important thing: the needles of the plastic tree do not crumble at all!

1. Request certificates

Artificial trees can be toxic. And this is not only the constant smell of plastic in the house, but also harm to the health of family members. Therefore, be sure to ask the seller for paper that confirms the quality of the materials used. This document is commonly referred to as a certificate of conformity. You can also ask for a fire safety certificate.

2. Pay attention to the material

Most often, artificial trees are made of PVC, fishing line, soft plastic or fiber optic. The price of the product will vary depending on the material. So, the most budgetary option is a spruce made of PVC film. In general, such a product imitates the appearance of a living tree well. The main thing is to carefully fold the tree after purchase and try not to wrinkle it, as it is easily deformed and difficult to restore.

The line will cost a little more. But a tree made of such material looks spectacular and festive due to its fluffy branches. But do not expect similarities with natural wood.

Soft plastic is more expensive than PVC line and film. But he has all the above advantages. Such an artificial spruce looks like a living one. And at the same time, she's pretty fluffy.

The fiber optic tree is connected to the network and glows like a garland. It doesn't even have to be dressed up, it creates a festive atmosphere by itself. The tree is safe for the apartment, as it operates under a minimum voltage of 12 V. Such a tree is more expensive than other artificial trees.

3. Consider the product

Look closely at the tree in good lighting. There should be no glue drips or irregularities on it. Iron the product against the grain and pull the needles. They should not break off at the first touch. And a high-quality artificial tree should not smell of plastic at all.

What to buy

  • Outdoor artificial spruce with cones from Beatrees, 215 cm, 10 403 rubles →
  • Floor-standing artificial spruce in white from Crystal Tress, 180 cm, 9 499 rubles →
  • Outdoor artificial spruce with LEDs, 180 cm, 4 690 rubles →
  • Outdoor artificial spruce with cones and berries from "Prostoyolka", 150 cm, 3 990 rubles →
  • Tabletop artificial spruce with cones and a garland from the National Tree Company, 61 cm, 2 860 rubles →
  • Outdoor artificial pine with white tips and cones, 120 cm, 1 259 rubles →

Buyer's checklist

So, the correct live spruce or pine must meet the following criteria:

  1. Pronounced smell of pine needles.
  2. The trunk is at least 6 cm in diameter without fungus and spots.
  3. Deep green color of the crown, blue tint is possible.
  4. The needles do not crumble.
  5. The branches are elastic and durable.
  6. The size of the tree is right for your apartment.

As for the artificial tree, first of all you should pay attention to the availability of certificates of conformity and fire safety and the quality of the material from which the tree is made.
