Parting words to children
Parting words to children

Dozens of years ago, the rhythm of life was completely different. I wonder what parting words did parents give their children then? And how did the teachings of our first parents change over time? The world does not stand still, time passes, social foundations change, and along with them priorities and life values shift. Even if you don't have children, you can think about what advice you could give them now.

Parting words to children
Parting words to children

You are good enough for any business

Most people don't do something just for fear that they are not good enough for it. They are afraid that they will not cope. Remember that you are good enough for everything. Do not be afraid to take on something new; it does not require the approval of others.

Everything you need to be happy is inside

Some people seek happiness in food, alcohol, drugs, shopping, partying, or sex. But they never find him. This happens because they are looking for happiness from the outside and do not understand that everything they need to find it is inside. This is gratitude, sympathy, care, the ability to create and do something, even small, but significant.

Listen to your teachers and never stop learning

They are not only in school, teachers can be everywhere. They can be relatives and friends, friends, people on the Internet. And even our own mistakes are some of the best teachers. Learn from your mistakes, put up with them, and discard them so that they don't affect your self-confidence.

Every day, learn a little something new and over time it will take on a lot of meaning.

Don't be nervous about trifles

Try to put the problem in perspective: will it matter to you in five years? In most cases, the answer is no. If the answer is yes, pay more attention to the problem.

Enjoy life

It can be not only the usual pleasures. Be glad to have a stranger on the bus. Accidental sunlight falling on your face while walking. Morning silence. Time spent with a loved one. A moment of loneliness. Your breath.

Open your heart

Life is amazing if you don't shut yourself out. Other people are amazing too. Open your heart and be prepared for the wounds that you can receive by opening up to the world. But this is the only way you can experience the best in life.

Let love be your rule

Love your family, friends, coworkers, strangers. Love even those who consider themselves to be your enemies. Love animals. And above all, love yourself. But remember that you are not the center of the universe. Someone else is just as important as yourself. Look outside your little shell and try to see the world through the eyes of other people.

Love healthy food

Gradually switch to proper nutrition. Learn to cook for yourself, taste delicious and healthy recipes.

Enjoy an active life

You can get great pleasure from junk food, from sitting at home, from TV, movies, TV shows and video games. But even more fun and joy will be brought to you by walking and playing in the fresh air, swimming, rock climbing, friendly competitions and much more. It is the path to a healthier life, a healthier heart, and a sharper, more energetic mind.

You can start your own business

Many people think that owning a business is only for rich people. In fact, everything is completely different. Almost everyone can start their own business. It may not work out right away, but you will gain valuable experience.

Spend Less Than You Earn

At least 30% less. Many people spend all the money they earn on completely unnecessary things. Learn to be content with little and spend money only on what is needed.

Ditch secondary sources of income as your total income rises

Do not get distracted and focus your efforts. In the future, you will be grateful to yourself for this.

Don't avoid discomfort and adapt to change

Everyone is trying to avoid discomfort, but this is a big mistake. If you treat this as an inevitable phenomenon on the path to growth, then you can change your life as you wish. Change is an integral part of life. You will suffer if you easily attach to things. Learn to let go, learn to be flexible in your mind. Don't get attached to comfort and don't shut out anything new or uncomfortable.

