How to deal with depression over photos of successful Facebook friends
How to deal with depression over photos of successful Facebook friends

The ideal life of your Facebook friends makes you look at your life differently. While others are having fun, traveling and buying new expensive things, you sit at the computer, work at a regular job and generally feel like a part of a gray mass. Is the problem with you? Or is it that your friends are hypocrites? Let's figure it out.

How to deal with depression over photos of successful Facebook friends
How to deal with depression over photos of successful Facebook friends

Of course, you are not alone. My feed is also full of photos of successful friends who scuba dive in the Atlantic Ocean, receive gifts and never leave cool restaurants and nightclubs. Compared to such photos and posts, my life cannot be called anything other than existence.

Have you ever wondered what you are doing wrong? Why, while your salary was cut due to the crisis, did your Facebook friend boast of a photo of him sitting in his new car? Why are your friends always only in beautiful places, somehow magically never making the wrong choice? Why do they never go to dirty cafes, eat only beautiful food and always look great, even at home, alone with themselves?

What are you doing wrong

Surprisingly, it’s not you. You are not a failure (perhaps only a few), and if you look at your life from the right “Facebook” angle, then it can also cause envy in others.

The vast majority of people on social networks wear masks. We do not want to share who we really are, and only show those aspects of life that we are proud of. Every post and photo should show how happy, successful and socially active we are.

In reality, this is not the case.

There is a story behind every photo. And not always happy. Your friend is unlikely to write that he took out a loan for his new car and now does not know how to pay it off. And your friend is unlikely to say how she quarreled with her boyfriend before he gave her a beautiful bouquet and balloons.

One of dozens of happy posts in my feed
One of dozens of happy posts in my feed

Facebook is a platform just created to showcase the positive and suppress the negative aspects of your life. We are trying to make our life glossy. Remember what the stars look like in popular magazines? Perfect appearance, perfect life, perfect things. Facebook is our glossy magazine where everyone can look like a star.

People living incredible lives don't need to show them to anyone on social media. They enjoy it so much that they simply won't find the time and inclination to share the extraordinary moments.

How to deal with the feeling that your life is shit?

There can be a lot of tips. Ideal but impossible is to close Facebook and forget about it once and for all. The problem is, you probably won't, so there are several other solutions.

Ignore similar photos and posts

Now that you know that for every good published event, there are a dozen bad ones that are hidden, it will be easier to do this. Remember that your life and the life of your friends, like a medal, have two sides, and people are used to showing only the brilliant side.

Compare yourself not to "perfect" friends, but to the ideal version of yourself

Tell yourself why you are not happy with your life. Are you fat? So, think about what steps you need to take to lose weight. Got stuck and don't know how to talk to people? Take acting courses or watch famous speakers.

Imagine that you are both a sculpture and a craftsman. You can make yourself an ideal.

Facebook life is unreal

You don't need to feel bad about the life your friends are showing on Facebook. They do not always eat delicious food, travel to beautiful places, have fun and relax. They are people just like you. Don't compare yourself to them. You better turn your life into a dream.
