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How can you use cheap vodka at home?
How can you use cheap vodka at home?

We used to think that cheap vodka is an absolute evil. And the dear, strictly speaking, is also not very useful. However, in the right hands, even it can be used effectively. A life hacker will talk about how you can benefit from cheap vodka in everyday life and household chores.

How can you use cheap vodka at home?
How can you use cheap vodka at home?

Getting rid of the smell

how vodka can be used: smell
how vodka can be used: smell

Dilute the vodka with water and sprinkle it on your clothes to remove unpleasant odors. Unfortunately, stains cannot be removed this way, but dubious aromas are easy to remove.

The same trick works with shoes.

how vodka can be used: shoes
how vodka can be used: shoes

Cleaning glasses glasses

how can vodka be used
how can vodka be used

All the same vodka solution in a bottle with a spray dispenser does an excellent job of cleaning glasses. Note: This method may not work for some lenses with special coatings.

We clean up traces of labels

how vodka can be used: labels
how vodka can be used: labels

With cotton wool or a cloth dipped in vodka, you can easily remove the sticky marks left from the labels.

Freshening the breath

how vodka can be used: breath
how vodka can be used: breath

Yes, you can rinse your mouth with vodka, but first you need to properly prepare it. Add a little cinnamon, mint and tea tree oil to the vodka, let it brew for a week or two, and you get an infusion for rinsing. Disinfection and elimination of unpleasant odors in one bottle. Above all, don't drink it by accident.

Extending the life of flowers in a vase

how vodka can be used: flowers
how vodka can be used: flowers

If you add a teaspoon of sugar and the same amount of vodka to a vase with freshly cut flowers, then the flowers will stand much longer.

Making a delicious crust

how vodka can be used: crust
how vodka can be used: crust

If you add a little ice-cold vodka to the water during the preparation of the cake dough, the dough will be more plastic. During baking, the vodka will evaporate and the crust will be more crumbly.

Cooking flavored infusions

On the basis of vodka, you can make odorous infusions, for example or. Place the required component in a sterile container with a sealed lid, add vodka and let it brew properly.

My windows

how can vodka be used
how can vodka be used

Not only glasses can be cleaned with vodka solution, but also windows. Sure, a branded cleaner will leave fewer streaks, but if it's not on hand, vodka will do the job just fine.

Rinse your hair

how can vodka be used
how can vodka be used

Add two teaspoons of rosemary to a glass of vodka, let it brew for a couple of days. Then strain and use the resulting infusion as a medicated hair rinse.

This infusion fights dandruff well, washes the hair from shampoo residues and is useful for people with dry scalp.

We treat wounds

how vodka can be used: wounds
how vodka can be used: wounds

Vodka not only disinfects, but also has some anesthetic effect. It can be used for minor cuts and wounds, if nothing more suitable is at hand.

You can also mix vodka with water in equal proportions. When frozen, you will get a reusable bag to apply to bruises.

how you can use vodka: package
how you can use vodka: package

Burning pimples

how vodka can be used: acne
how vodka can be used: acne

A cotton ball soaked in vodka can burn off pimples on your face. Vodka also tightens pores and cleans the skin well of various impurities.

We cleanse and get rid of the characteristic odor

To improve the quality of cheap vodka and drive out the characteristic "fusel" smell, it is recommended to pass it through a charcoal filter several times. Be careful: the filter is under heavy load during such manipulations, so you will have to change the filter element more often.

We decorate

how vodka can be used: decoration
how vodka can be used: decoration

From a glass jar or a bottle of vodka, you can make a pretty decor item with a little imagination. You can "pickle" vegetables or fruits, parts of plants, an insect or any other item you like there.
